Hi all,
We are planning a remodel of the inside of our coop. New nesting boxes and roosts. This is my 1st little flock with only 4 hens. They have always had the same layout with just some very minor changes. They just started laying again after their winter break and I'm worried about stressing them out and interrupting their egg production. With our current set up, we can't do a gradual remodel, we'd have to do it all at once.
Should we wait until late fall when they stop laying again? I'm thinking that's not ideal either, because that's molting season.
Any suggestions?
We are planning a remodel of the inside of our coop. New nesting boxes and roosts. This is my 1st little flock with only 4 hens. They have always had the same layout with just some very minor changes. They just started laying again after their winter break and I'm worried about stressing them out and interrupting their egg production. With our current set up, we can't do a gradual remodel, we'd have to do it all at once.
Should we wait until late fall when they stop laying again? I'm thinking that's not ideal either, because that's molting season.
Any suggestions?