Could some of my brown leghorns be boys?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
In The Middle Of Nowhere GA
I have 10 brown leghorns and 10 rhode island reds that are 6 weeks old. while I have noticed that their combs are getting more color I have also notice that 3 or 4 of my brown leghorns are alittle larger than the rest and their combs are much brighter and larger as well as that thing under their chin..( Im not sure what it is called..). I have not noticed anything like this with my rhode island reds. could this mean that they are roosters or are they just growing faster?
those large combed ones are roosters. with brown leghorns you can also tell by colour, as you can see the cockerels have black chests vs the hens salmon chests, so even late blooming cockerels can't hide their colour will give them away.

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