Cross Breeding a Cackel Hatchery Brown Leghorn to A Cackel Hatchery Black Breasted Red Jungel Fowl

Brown leghorns aren't that big. Never had a real Jungle Fowl but I'd suspect you wouldn't improve size too much.
Brown Leghorns also are a broody breed so you'd probable decease that from what the Jungle Fowl has.
Probably increase egg production quite a bit though.
If the Cackle Black Breasted Red Jungle Fowl Males weigh 5 pounds, hens 4 pounds and The Cackle Brown Leghorn Males weigh 6 pounds,hens 4 1/2 pounds . How small would the cross be?
If I had a Brown Leghorn that would go broody to me I would be okay. I am hoping to get my game chickens to brood some the Brown Leghorn eggs.
If the Cackle Black Breasted Red Jungle Fowl Males weigh 5 pounds, hens 4 pounds and The Cackle Brown Leghorn Males weigh 6 pounds,hens 4 1/2 pounds . How small would the cross be?
My JungleFowl are smaller then 4, or 5lbs.

The cross is around the same size as the JungleFowl. Maybe slightly heavier, but size wise small.
Red JungleFowl/Black Sumatra cross hen for reference.
Does any one have any Black Breasted Red Jungle Fowl from Cackle Hatchery? If so how much do they weigh ?
Thank you so so very much Mystery Chicken. My neighbor and friend let me see if you dont shut them up at night you just feed predators.I just went and looked at my friends Red Jungle Fowl they are small. I am going to start building a trap for them. Is a 4foot by 4foot by 4 foot high cage big enough for a breeding pair ?

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