Day 20, I see a pip and hear a cheeping!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
It's day 20 and my 7 silkie eggs are soon due to hatch. One of them has pipped and another keeps rocking, and I hear a little cheeping! I hope they all hatch. I couldn't get the humidity above 70%, but I think it shuold be ok right?

Well, my one egg has hatched out a cutie little blue silkie, and now there is one more pipped. I am going to name her Chicory.

Oh my gosh...She is adorable. I had wanted to order some silkies, but they only come strait run and I don't want to deal with roosters! I am vegeatraian and so even the idea that one that I bought might end up somewhere else is not pleasant for me! LOL But everytime you guys post such adorable fuzzy pics, I want some! So stop it!
I have silkies in the bator and you are making me so anxious to see them. Dang. I am only on day 8. I hope they all make it. So farm my buff sizzles are a no go. But I have plenty of silkies, black and blue, and some might be sizzles. And I have two salmon faverolles and two BB Red OEGB eggs too that are developing. Man, I can't wait.

Well, two more hatched on day 21, but now it is day 22 and the other 4 haven't even pipped. I am still hoping, but I feel like it's hopeless.



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