Dead chicken!

I am so sorry to hear this and that you have to go through a tough time to heal.. I am sure it was some sort of predator. I have not experienced any losses as of yet, but I am sure my time will come, and I will be very sad. I try so hard to make sure my flock is ok. I lock them up tight at night and have blinking lights all around my coop. If it's cloudy for a day or two they don't work so I put them under lights in the house and out again at night. You can purchase them on Amazon. I know some say they don't work but it give me a bit of faith that they do when I look out at night and see them blinking. I love them so much and they me. I can't stand to think I will lose one someday. I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and that your New Year 2024 is filled with all that is good. Kip
I am so sorry to hear this and that you have to go through a tough time to heal.. I am sure it was some sort of predator. I have not experienced any losses as of yet, but I am sure my time will come, and I will be very sad. I try so hard to make sure my flock is ok. I lock them up tight at night and have blinking lights all around my coop. If it's cloudy for a day or two they don't work so I put them under lights in the house and out again at night. You can purchase them on Amazon. I know some say they don't work but it give me a bit of faith that they do when I look out at night and see them blinking. I love them so much and they me. I can't stand to think I will lose one someday. I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and that your New Year 2024 is filled with all that is good. Kip
They do work, and I'll attest to that. We have several solar motion lights around the coop and along the property lines.

Some of those lights have lasted more than 5 years in rain and snow even. I just buy a couple each year knowing one or two will quit. We live bordering a forest and have deer cams showing all of the animals out there that do not come into our yard. Our dogs and cats help too.
Yes sounds like a predator got her. I'm sorry. Do you lock them up in a coop at night?
thank you? and we don’t always lock them up, but they go in by themselves and stay in there all night. i have a coop inside of a plastic shed like thing and they seem to love it in there. so i’m just very concerned and confused. this is my first year of having chickens as well so im trying to get better as i go.
I am so sorry to hear this and that you have to go through a tough time to heal.. I am sure it was some sort of predator. I have not experienced any losses as of yet, but I am sure my time will come, and I will be very sad. I try so hard to make sure my flock is ok. I lock them up tight at night and have blinking lights all around my coop. If it's cloudy for a day or two they don't work so I put them under lights in the house and out again at night. You can purchase them on Amazon. I know some say they don't work but it give me a bit of faith that they do when I look out at night and see them blinking. I love them so much and they me. I can't stand to think I will lose one someday. I wish you a Happy Holiday Season and that your New Year 2024 is filled with all that is good. Kip
yeah it really does suck. this is my first loss, i just started having these chickens at the beginning of the year so i’m trying to continue to learn and get better at it. i will definitely be buying those lights and some cameras! thank you so much and i hope you never have to experience this kind of loss. happy holidays! and happy near year!!
I’m very sorry about the loss of your hen. 😞 It was a predator, unless she just died unexpectedly and was then scavenged. A neighborhood dog left to run around unchecked is also capable of doing that. I hope you find out what killed her.
thank you, my backyard has a big fence around it and we made sure before getting my chickens that there was no holes in it so i don’t believe it was a dog, it was just very weird because she was underneath or back porch, which is were they like to hangout.
I'm going to take a guess and say it was a raccoon or opossum, it could have possibly been a cat that hid the body for later eating. I'm sorry for your lose :hugs
i didn’t even think of it being a opossum, yeah i have no clue but i’m going to be putting cameras and motion censored stuff so this doesn’t happen again! thank you!

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