ducks back pecked badly need advice please **image**


8 Years
Mar 30, 2011

Just noticed this am that a 7 week old black swedish's back was featherless with a few open wounds. Not sure if it was baby guineas/turkeys, ducks same age or older chickens that did the pecking. Its wings are dooped down, but not sure if that is just because it hurts the cuts on her back to hold them up. The other ducks peck at it, so I have her seperated now. I gave her a clean bath and sprayed bactine on the area. She isn't eating either. This is my first "injury" that I am worried about, since the duck won't eat. Any suggestions or advice on what to do for her or give her, and how long til I can put her back with others. Thanks.
first be sure not to use any thing that has pain relief that end in caine. deadly for ducks and chickens. keep her separated and keep the flies off of it. I'd get Blue-kote and spray on it that helps to hide wounds and also helps heal. also neosporinw/o pain is another good treatment. As far as eating she will probably start now that she is being eaten by the others. just make sure she has clean fresh water and maybe put some Nutri drench in it or ACV, but if you can get nutri drench it is fantastic for all the vits and minerals it has. All you can do is put the food where she can get it and hope she'll get interested. Maybe try some of her favorite treats mixed in? Hoping she will soon feel better.
and don't put her back with the flock till healed or they will have a go at it again. after it starts healing you might give it a buddy if you have a calm one to put in with it, so it won't be lonely. all the best!
That looks like overbreeding by one or more drakes, they stand on the hens and dig in with the claws on their feet. I had this happen to a hen from one drake who had a serious crush on her. I was keeping them in separate pens for breeding purposes and the first night they were reunited he did that to her. She did heal up fine with a wash up, and of course was never put back with that drake again.
I don't have a drake, but do have a couple bossy pekins?? I will put neosporin on it. She still won't eat, even treats. Even walks badly. I put her in a pen with kiddie pool and she just stood there.
I would defiantely try some blue-kote or vetricyn!!! Also make sure it stays clean and dry, you don't want that getting infected!!!
Blukote works great. She is in pain and a bit of shock most likely
from the trama.
Bread soaked in water as a treat may entice her to eat.
Her symptoms sure do sound like rough breeding. In any case, ditto the advice about using antibiotics on the open wounds, keep her separate and quiet, clean water, warm dry place to rest, some sweet words of reassurance (I think ducks respond to vocalization), keep flies off her - the nasty things lay eggs in wounds - maybe let her swim in lukewarm water in the tub to gently work her legs while taking the weight off of them as she recovers.
Thanks everyone, I hope she pulls through this. I know about the rough breeding, I do have a rooster for the chickens and he jumps them, but he uses his beak to grab them by their neck feathers and the duck doesn't have any feathers missing there... I did see the my 2 guineas chasing the ducks yesterday, but they are much smaller than the ducks are. I lock them up at night in a 4x8ft duck house, would they get bored and bully one another like that? I just checked her wounds and it is all nice a crusty, not wet. But she seems still in shock. Poor gal, she loved getting frozen peas and now is afraid to eat them, almost like the other ducks are telling her not to eat.
I know it's bad and ducks really shouldhave sweet treats, bit my baby hurt her leg and didn't feel like eating ( I thin she was depressed from being separated) the only thing I could get her to eat was some kashi cereal. I never usually give this to them but she ate finally

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