Easter Egger club!

Wow that's a gorgeous egg! My Black Australorp started off around that size, after about a month she was firmly in the medium range at 50g., and was trying to eke up into the large every now and again by laying 51g. before she stopped for winter. It'll be interesting to see if yours does the same, and if the pigment stays vibrant on the larger sizes.
I have 2 EE hens (one got out a couple months ago and the neighbor dog got to her before I could :..( ) and I have a really fluffy black feather footed EE rooster... one of my girls I call Goldie - she looks just like the pic of the one posted! and then I have Blue - she's a gorgeous baby blue/gray with gold feathers on her head and neck... I also have 2 barred rock hens and 7 Rhode Island Red hens and a RIR rooster... they JUST started laying yesterday! I ordered them online from a hatchery as new chicks... and today I got a green EE egg!! yesterday and today have been SO exciting!

Here's a pic (not the best, sorry) of my barred olive egger that I bred last year. She hasn't started laying yet, but I'm hoping soon. Her mom was a Lav Ameraucana, and dad was a blue cuckoo Marans.

I finally got pic's of my new EE's, not the best and I tried to get them by themselves but didn't work...

the Roo is Linus the top pic is Linus and M J the middle pic is Shy Shy
I cant wait till they start laying.

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