Last week I noticed my Cream Legbar pullet got a pretty nasty peck wound on her ear. So I treated the wound and have been keeping her segregated in a small dog run (12X8) next to my other birds. Two days ago she laid her first ever egg in the pen, which ended up being a soft shell egg and broke on the ground. She decided that it was tasty and devoured it. I didn't think anything of it initially, because i figured once she laid a normal egg with a decent shell, she would leave them alone. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. When I went out to collect eggs tonight, I found a half eaten egg in her pen. I'm afraid that she will now be an egg eater and can't be released back with the rest of the flock. (this is only happened twice so far, once with the soft shell, and once today). On a side note, I don't think feed is the issue as I'm feeding a 20% all flock with free choice oyster shell.
Does anyone have any advice on breaking her of this potential habit? I haven't dealt with an egg eater before so I'm really not sure what to do.
Does anyone have any advice on breaking her of this potential habit? I haven't dealt with an egg eater before so I'm really not sure what to do.