
Jun 24, 2024
Hello, and help!

My hen just swallowed a pearl earing (stud)! Will she be ok?! Is it going to hurt her? How long will it take for her too poop this out!? Is this fowl pox?

It looks like peck marks to me. There is nothing you can do about the earring. Does she get poultry grit? You can separate her and watch her droppings over the next couple of days, but you may never see the pearl earring again.
It looks like peck marks to me. There is nothing you can do about the earring. Does she get poultry grit? You can separate her and watch her droppings over the next couple of days, but you may never see the pearl earring again.
I dont really care about the earing. I more so care about her health. She is the lowest in the pecking order so probably. Will that hurt her though? She did not even care... Just swallowed.... She has grit 24/7. I'm keeping her separated in the coop... Just great 👍 😀
There are many threads here about chickens eating earrings, hair ties, and other jewelry, screws, glass, etc. Most are fine, and almost never is the object recovered. One good thing is that the base was silver, and not heavy or galvanized metal. The sharp end is concerning, but I would just watch her for any problems. Scrambled egg may help to pass it through to the gizzard.
In most cases with something as small as an earring stud they pass it just fine on their own. Personally, I would keep her with the rest. Separating her can cause stress and stress can greatly affect their digestive systems causing disruptions. Not to mention if she is at the bottom of the pecking order when you put her back with the rest things will be much worse for her. Right now she needs everything to be working as smoothly as possible.

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