EMERGENCY New layer may have Egg Yolk Peritonitis?


In the Brooder
Aug 24, 2021
Hi, my Cream Legbar was egg bound for her first egg. We did Epsom salt baths, calcium water, lube, and manual manipulation to get it out. I think she nearly prolapsed because her oviduct would not loosen enough to let the egg slip through. It was soft-shelled. The last time she pushed, it broke on the side of the egg facing me and the yolk and white fell onto the table. Before her oviduct could sick it back in, I grabbed it and pulled it out. It had a wicked tail on it... the 1st picture is that 1st egg.

2 days later, she had another egg inside her. My husband helped her this time. The shell was hard this time but, again couldn't pass through her oviduct sphincter. We gave her calcium water again and lube.. He was able to hold her sphincter back while she pushed the egg out. But once it slipped through, he heard a pop inside her and some blood came out. We assumed that she bled from the stretched oviduct and that was also the pop sound, maybe it ripped a little.. afterwards, she just went to sleep. Exhausted.. the egg was well formed and only had 1 yolk.
The next day or 2 she was normal and happy.
Since the 1st egg, though, her poop has been very watery with white, sometimes-stringy pieces in it. It's been very hot here and she had a LOT of water each day that she was "with egg". So I figured it was ok. I didn't see any yellow or green. Also, there was still dark poop peices in it so I knew her fecal matter was passing and not only her urates or urine...

3 days after her normal-looking egg, she starts acting egg-bound again. Standing, not walking a lot, tail down, puffed up feathers, unstable, and very sleepy/tired, nesting but leaving no egg. I palpated for an egg and checked her vent with my finger, no egg or shells. Her belly feels normal to me. Its a little squishy but I don't know how squishy is TOO squishy.. But her poop is starting to have the faintest yellowing color. I start to fear for the worst. She slept almost all day. Moving into the sun at times and always wanting some water nearby to drink. She is still drinking plenty of water.
We put her up for the night and this morning, she seems about the same. In her coop was a small, white, egg-shaped mass about the size of a nickel, and a long, white chunk of something else she passed. Unfortunately, my husband already threw them out when he cleaned the coop.. but no yellow. She is still sleepy, not moving much, tail down, watery droppings, puffed feathers, not hungry but drinking water..

Is this egg yolk peritonitis?

I will try and include more photos of her poop either on this post or in the comments as the day goes by...


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Here are pictures of her poop at this current moment. Very watery, not very yellow if at all... she only had slightly yellowish poop yesterday.


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Here are 2 more most recent.


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Here I her most recent poop. VERY green! I haven't seen one like this yet. She has also been preening a little more, today.


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She is obviously having some reproductive issue. I would either take her to a vet if possible or start some calcium with vitamin D3 and an antibiotic, since she has had eggs break inside. Give her a calcium tablet in the back of her throat daily for 3 days. Amoxicillin which you can sometimes find in some feed storesas Fish Mox or AquaMox online. Baytril is sometimes used, but it is banned although some vets still prescribe it. Have you every seen frequent sneezing or a respiratory infect ion in your flock? Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus can cause some reproductive issues.
Here I her most recent poop. VERY green! I haven't seen one like this yet. She has also been preening a little more, today.
Once again, I've had good luck with raw garlic. Although my duck hen had a less severe case of peritonitis. A little bit of raw garlic is worth a try. It has solved many problems for my chickens and ducks - hens seem to have more problems than roosters...
We had a few red sex links that had this problem..definitely go ahead and give her some calcium pills with D3 (FYI Tums don't really work that great..in my opinion) and if possible some antibiotics. If she is walking around and acting semi normal then she's doing ok...when ours started getting bad they would stand around hunched up and lethargic. How is she doing now?
She is obviously having some reproductive issue. I would either take her to a vet if possible or start some calcium with vitamin D3 and an antibiotic, since she has had eggs break inside. Give her a calcium tablet in the back of her throat daily for 3 days. Amoxicillin which you can sometimes find in some feed storesas Fish Mox or AquaMox online. Baytril is sometimes used, but it is banned although some vets still prescribe it. Have you every seen frequent sneezing or a respiratory infect ion in your flock? Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus can cause some reproductive issues.
Thank you for your help. We don't have
She is obviously having some reproductive issue. I would either take her to a vet if possible or start some calcium with vitamin D3 and an antibiotic, since she has had eggs break inside. Give her a calcium tablet in the back of her throat daily for 3 days. Amoxicillin which you can sometimes find in some feed storesas Fish Mox or AquaMox online. Baytril is sometimes used, but it is banned although some vets still prescribe it. Have you every seen frequent sneezing or a respiratory infect ion in your flock? Exposure to infectious bronchitis virus can cause some reproductive issues.
Thank you for your help. We dont have the option for a vet but, I have been giving her Calcium and D3 in one water dish and strained garlic oregano water (oregano is a strong antibiotic for chickens) in another dish. She started to eat again and forage like normal over the last few days. We are ecstatic. Waiting for the next egg to drop so we will see what happens.
As for the bronchitis, in our flock of 3, only one chicken sneezes/coughs frequently. She seems to have nasal discharge and is mean most of the time. She has been Moreso lately. She is also the top of the pecking order. Neither of the others show these symptoms, though. All have had the garlic oregano water over the last 2 days.
Once again, I've had good luck with raw garlic. Although my duck hen had a less severe case of peritonitis. A little bit of raw garlic is worth a try. It has solved many problems for my chickens and ducks - hens seem to have more problems than roosters...
Thank you for your help! I made the garlic water and added oregano tea as an antibiotic. It seems to have helped a lot! She is back to normal again after making a slow come back over the last few days. We are waiting for the next egg, though, to see what happens.
We had a few red sex links that had this problem..definitely go ahead and give her some calcium pills with D3 (FYI Tums don't really work that great..in my opinion) and if possible some antibiotics. If she is walking around and acting semi normal then she's doing ok...when ours started getting bad they would stand around hunched up and lethargic. How is she doing now?
Thank you! We gave her calcium & d3 water in one dish, and oregano garlic tea in another dish. She has slowly recovered to her normal self! Her poop is still essentially the same, however. And we are waiting for the next egg to see what happens...

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