Favorite breed for eggs?

My Orpingtons just wanted to be broody, so I did not get many eggs from them.

In 14 years I have to say my best layers are my Sapphire Gems. Nice brown eggs and they just keep poppin' them out. Nice friendly hens too and I think they are very pretty. AND they are sexable at hatch, so if you order pullets, pullets you will get!
I had that issue with my cochins, though they are young every one except my buff tried to set, multiple times.

Thank you!
Sounds like i need a few EE or mixed breeds and a few RIRs.
I should wait a bit though and see hoe my current chicks lay. But that could take awhile
Ive been thinking rhode islands just because leghorns do get reproductive issues more, and ive heard they are skittish.

Thank you for your replies!
I bought 4, week old chicks from Tractor supply, 2 RIRs and 2 Anconas ( we had to buy four..I don't know what I was thinking 🤔)
I knew nothing about Anconas but those little gals started laying at 18 weeks and they've both laid just about every day since! They're still laying small white eggs but I am hoping they will be getting bigger as the hens get older.
I bought 4, week old chicks from Tractor supply, 2 RIRs and 2 Anconas ( we had to buy four..I don't know what I was thinking 🤔)
I knew nothing about Anconas but those little gals started laying at 18 weeks and they've both laid just about every day since! They're still laying small white eggs but I am hoping they will be getting bigger as the hens get older.
Wow 18 weeks! I haven't bought chicks from TSC since my very first 8 years ago. They are a good resource for good egg layers IMO. Cheap, plentiful, pretty much know what you are getting.

Although - one year I did take 6 of their straight run and ended up getting 6 roos. I'll never forgive them for that 😈

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