Honestly 37 gallons seems tiny when set up 😭 I'm looking at upgrading to a 55 next month $40 more and either keeping the 37 or returning it
We always got the biggest tank we could which at first was a 55. Then a 75.
55 was enough for some Oscars that we use to have. Then my grandparents took it for us when they moved and restocked it
We always got the biggest tank we could which at first was a 55. Then a 75.
55 was enough for some Oscars that we use to have. Then my grandparents took it for us when they moved and restocked it
Yeah honestly I thought 37 would fit what I wanted but honestly a 55 will work much better I plan to have much larger tanks once I move.
Be careful of their fins. Danish are bigtime fin nippers
Yep. Everything’s doing good so far the betta mostly like to stay near the bottom of the tank where there’s wood and plants. Going up to the top every once in a while.
The danios stay at the top of the tank so far there’s no fin nipping.

Yep. Everything’s doing good so far the betta mostly like to stay near the bottom of the tank where there’s wood and plants. Going up to the top every once in a while.
The danios stay at the top of the tank so far there’s no fin nipping.

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I might make the 37 a tank for just the danios for the possibility of fun nipping maybe a couple other small schooling fish but the bettas and everyone else will be getting moved to a 55

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