Can't Stand

Glynda's Polish chick doesn't seem to be able to stand. Any idea on what might be going on?

I would remove the chick from her, she seems distressed by it and pecking at it.

It could be spraddle legged but can’t say without seeing it better.

If you remove it and check it out she won’t be put off it.
Can't Stand

Glynda's Polish chick doesn't seem to be able to stand. Any idea on what might be going on?

It looks like wry neck to me. See how its head is tilted back?
In chicks it can be a vitamin E deficiency or a genetic issue.
Worth trying vitamin E as it is the only treatable cause.
As others have said, Glynda is not happy with it so you should probably bring it into a brooder in the house.
Sorry this is happening.
Do any of your moggies have names? Or are they feral kitties?

They sure are lovely kitties so I am guessing not feral.
They are feral kittens, however feral kittens have seldom human contact. They have gotten used to us, however they will bite if we touch them somewhere that is ticklish. They do allow scratches on the head. Well, some allow touching. Some hiss and the others would run away. I just think it's weird for me to give feral cats names since we don't claim them. Old Man has been wanting to give them away for quite some time. I wish I could give more info, but Old Man and Old Woman don't want me to give too much info about these cats.
Thursday evening I agreed to help Rosie clean out Russ's stall. I get out there and my Branch let me know he wanted to sit in my lap and held. So I did. I held my little buddy for 30 minutes while Rosie did the stall herself complaining the entire time. She was playing music, and me and Branch both criticized her song choices and her stall cleaning. Once it got almost dark as she was finishing up Branch hopped down and put himself in the coop for the night. I have held fast to that memory this afternoon and evening while I was working at the concession during the horse show. I could not fall to pieces. I am home now, and I am shattered. I had my first hawk attack this morning. My buddy, my best friend, my tv watching Monkey Man was the one taken. It killed me when I lost Drumstick, but this, this hurts worse. Through my tears I am staring at 6 little Branchlets. Please, please let one of these be a boy. I do not think I have prayed so hard for a rooster chick ever.

Rest in peace Branch. The last 2 months you have been stand offish since you have taken over the brunt of rooster duties now that Bubba has slowed down. Thank you, thank you for chest bumping my leg Thursday evening in your way of telling me you wanted picked up.

My Monkey man Branch
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Oh no!!!! I'm so very sorry. Hawks are terrible. :hugs :hugs :hugs
They are feral kittens, however feral kittens have seldom human contact. They have gotten used to us, however they will bite if we touch them somewhere that is ticklish. They do allow scratches on the head. Well, some allow touching. Some hiss and the others would run away. I just think it's weird for me to give feral cats names since we don't claim them. Old Man has been wanting to give them away for quite some time. I wish I could give more info, but Old Man and Old Woman don't want me to give too much info about these cats.
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Oh how cute! My "feral" (Not anymore! Now just an outdoor) cat is almost a match for your kitties. One of her 3 week old kitties is a dead ringer for the one closest to the camera! Two are missing in this picture, but the little gray and white is in there. They are bigger and lighter colored now, this is from two weeks.
Farewell My Friend

It is with great sadness that I share this.

Last night Phyllis passed away in her sleep.

She was very active yesterday and I should have seen that as a sign. She left the coop for the first time in days and just like in old times she positioned herself under my feet.

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I just finished making arrangements for her cremation. Mrs BY Bob wants to finally let her be in the house with us.

It will never be the same here. She was my shadow when I was outside. I'm certain for the rest of my life I will check my feet to make sure that I'm not going to step on her.

Be at peace my dear friend. You will never be forgotten.
I have no words Bob. I'll be praying for you, Mrs. Bob, and your flock. :hugs
Thursday evening I agreed to help Rosie clean out Russ's stall. I get out there and my Branch let me know he wanted to sit in my lap and held. So I did. I held my little buddy for 30 minutes while Rosie did the stall herself complaining the entire time. She was playing music, and me and Branch both criticized her song choices and her stall cleaning. Once it got almost dark as she was finishing up Branch hopped down and put himself in the coop for the night. I have held fast to that memory this afternoon and evening while I was working at the concession during the horse show. I could not fall to pieces. I am home now, and I am shattered. I had my first hawk attack this morning. My buddy, my best friend, my tv watching Monkey Man was the one taken. It killed me when I lost Drumstick, but this, this hurts worse. Through my tears I am staring at 6 little Branchlets. Please, please let one of these be a boy. I do not think I have prayed so hard for a rooster chick ever.

Rest in peace Branch. The last 2 months you have been stand offish since you have taken over the brunt of rooster duties now that Bubba has slowed down. Thank you, thank you for chest bumping my leg Thursday evening in your way of telling me you wanted picked up.

My Monkey man Branch
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No! Poor Branch! Hawks are really awful. Why and how do they always pick the favorites?!? They have gotten two of my favorites over the years, Dandy and Panda. Loved those girls so much. Panda is remarkably like Poppet in spirit, and I bet that she has met Branch in heaven and is showing him around. Panda will take care of him for you and Poppet. :hugs

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