I am so stressed now that I am just going to raise them myself, it’s nice they have fit in with the two remaining silkie chicks - they were very lonely today. It’s actually rather fortuitous I did get them, the poor silkies were just Missing their other chickie friends.

These new ones are chicks I will resell when they are a few months old. I will also sell some of the bigger chicks I have; I will keep Sweetie and Butters (2 buff Orps), Jaffara (Americana) and Pepper (aka Larry 2 the BR) the other buff Orp and Americana I will sell along with the chicks I got today .

Then there is the little OEGB bantam who I am almost sure is a cockerel- he will need to be rehomed. The little pullet I will keep.

When all is said and done I will up my count by 7 this year. We lost Larry, and what with all the old ladies I have here who knows what may happen to them.

It as it stands now I am at my limit, no more will be added to the flock for at least a couple years.
Just don’t sell Jaffara :bow
Yup! There are many types of doves!

We have morning doves, white winged doves, Inca doves, Eurasian collared doves and some others!
Here's a picture of my pet dove! 😂
And some babies I rescued. View attachment 3869944View attachment 3869947View attachment 3869953View attachment 3869956
And this kind too: IMG_4464.png
I won’t be mentioning anything derogatory concerning Silkies anymore. Too many people in this thread have many Silkies.
I choose not to offend.
Don't you dare stop calling silkies feather dusters. Those who own a silkie cannot look at them and think the same thing. They are walking breathing feather dusters. In Branch's case he is a Monkey Man. In 3 to 4 weeks I will start sharing photo's. Photo's of chicks that only a mother could love. There is no nice way to say it but as juveniles they go through a ugly stage. Some so bad that they need a paper bag placed over their heads with eye holes. I love this stage, but then, I love all stages of the silkie's development. In this stage I will get a idea of their adult coloring, but oh they can be hard on the eyes. Feather duster, nope, they will look like they stuck a toe into a light socket. Taunt away, I can take it.
I have been reading a bit more about it and like everything in the chicken world it has advocates and detractors.
Some people use icy water in a bucket, but others warn that could kill the chicken from shock. So not going to do that!
Others just use cool water and some don't dunk but empty a bucket over the hen and leave her to preen herself dry.
So I am not sure whether to try one of these or not.
Sylvie has an almost completely naked chest where she has plucked her feathers and she is very hot in that spot. I wonder if I could use a spray bottle and spray her front with cold water rather than tipping a bucket over her.
FYI, the dunk in a bucket is where "mad as a wet hen" comes from.

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