When the silkies are older, and I know for sure who is pullets I will take pictures of them. I will let you choose who shall become Patsy.
That's very sweet. I am humbled by this. You know don't have to do this. I will gladly help if you want but they are yours to name as you wish.

My favorite Patsy photo
Anyone got any experience of putting two broodies in the same jail cage?
Mine will share a nest it seems so I wonder if I could put two in the cage at the same time.
My worry is that one will simply use the other as a nest.
I guess I could set up two cages but finding a flat surface is tricky. Maybe I could hang one from the rafters like I hang their feeders.
I put mine in the same crate right now, alternating. Chipie and Merle ignore one another although they are sitting right next to each other. With Merle and Léa I have to put them back to back on two different roosts otherwise Merle attacks Léa and Léa runs around the crate trying to get out, which isn't great as running on the mesh floor could hurt her.

To be rude, but how did this get so many replies?😃 I posted something about an abscess on my ducks wing, and I didn’t get any replies until four months later after he died.😞 but it’s cool that you’ve kept up with this for five years!😄
I'm sorry you didn't get any replies. One reason could be that there are a lot less people who know about ducks than chickens on this site. The BYC managers have a thread asking people to look at posts with no answers to avoid that, but sometimes it doesn't work. Another tip is to post at the right time, if you post now for example only people in Europe will be awake and you likely will not get any answers !
Since this is a forum, it is also not always the best place to get advice on health issues, as people with very different level of knowledge can answer. Sites like https://www.msdvetmanual.com/ , https://poultrydvm.com/ or university's extensions like https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topics/poultry are often more helpful.
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It appears that when Glynda got off the nest for her morning snack, Phyllis moved in. When Glynda came back, Phyllis would not let her back on the nest. This was the outcome.

Broody Cam_20240626_73534.jpg

So I go out and rearrange things, getting pecked again for good measure.

Phyllis is showing no broody traits. She is not puffing up. She is not tut tutting. When I open the lid to the nest box, she does not hunker down and peck at me, rather, like someone who knows she is doing wrong she gets up and runs (as best she can) away.

This has to be dominance of some kind. She is not broody.
To be rude, but how did this get so many replies?😃 I posted something about an abscess on my ducks wing, and I didn’t get any replies until four months later after he died.😞 but it’s cool that you’ve kept up with this for five years!😄
I'm sorry you did not get the help you needed. This thread is still going 5 years later because I want to tell the stories of my chickens. It will likely still be going 5 years from now. I could be on here alone at that point, who knows.

At first it was just about my chickens but now it has morphed into a social thread where a group of like minded people talk about their chickens. Why my thread became everyone's hang out spot I could not tell you. You'd have to ask them. Anyone want to share why they ended up here?
You should assume you have foxes and have just never seen them. They are one of the most adaptable species around and live in all sorts of habitats. They are extremely happy living in inner cities and suburbia because of the abundance of food.
My mother once had one that used to come in through the cat flap to steal (actually more like share) the cat’s dinner.
We had a fox visit frequently when we still lived in town. Most of our visitors were skunks. I served my kids tuna salad sandwiches one evening. I opened the screen door and held part of a left over sandwich out for my neighbor's black and white cat. Guess what? I looked down and it wasn't a cat eating from my hand.

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