I hope it doesn't mean that she doesn't want Glynda to hatch. It may be tough for the chicks. Though seeing how Glynda takes on Eowyn, I suppose she will be able to defend them.

I arrived here from Shad's thread. It felt like a bunch of old friends sharing stories about chickens and trying to help each other out.
I feel your kindness permeates the thread and that every one here is very gentle and supportive. I appreciate that although there are very different style of chicken keeping, folks are tolerant and always try to give good advice.
Like many others I'm glad when the chat stays mostly focused on chickens and other pets, which it usually does.
I don't always have the time and mind availability to participate as much as I'd like but I love this thread and I feel like I "know" and have grown a form of attachment to your chickens and those of some of the most active participants !

Tax from the past for being so long...baby Gaston, 7 july 2022.
View attachment 3873676
Oh gosh he sure has grown hasn’t he - what a sweetie ♥️
What makes you think I will be limited to only two broodies? Pooh is now exploring places outside the nest boxes where she could make a nest.
With Sylvie that will be 4 of 6 all broody at once.
I tell you, they are all stark raving MAD!!!
Okay, then get 8 chicks, not six, to accommodate Pooh, too!

(Note, I had you @ 3 broodies... 6 divided by 2 = 3)

But, what is 2 more chickies - but a bunch more cuteness! :love :love :love :love

I'm sorry you did not get the help you needed. This thread is still going 5 years later because I want to tell the stories of my chickens. It will likely still be going 5 years from now. I could be on here alone at that point, who knows.

At first it was just about my chickens but now it has morphed into a social thread where a group of like minded people talk about their chickens. Why my thread became everyone's hang out spot I could not tell you. You'd have to ask them. Anyone want to share why they ended up here?
I will share :)

I was eagerly (impatiently) anticipating the arrival of my first chicks when I unexpectedly broke my ankle. In search of advice, reassurance, and a way to pass the time, I stumbled upon BYC and began reading BY Bob's thread from the beginning.

What I discovered was a community of people who generously shared their experiences, insights, and knowledge. I initially came for the delightful stories of chicken keeping, but I stayed because of the incredible community that makes this thread so special.
Okay, then get 8 chicks, not six, to accommodate Pooh, too!

(Note, I had you @ 3 broodies... 6 divided by 2 = 3)

But, what is 2 more chickies - but a bunch more cuteness! :love :love :love :love

I stand corrected on the math. I think we can just settle on ‘lots’ of broodies. Really lots!
Piglet is my kind of broody. She has the dance moves and the vocals down pat.
But she really doesn’t like to be in a nest box at meal times!

Here she is flashing her hackles at anyone standing between her and the feeder.

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Named juveniles!
Are you sure Eclipse is a cockerel? Looks more pullet-like to me. I couldn't see the tail real well, but what I saw seemed to just have a slight curve of the longest feathers - I have had many pullets with that - not a true flag feather like a roo, but just a bit of 'bend' to their tail feathers.....I am curious to see him/her develop more - I really am leaning pullet for that one!

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