And no one has Corid here as I thought. I would need to have a Vet get this for me. And of course long weekend here. So nothing is happening.

I will continue the sulphatrim and also do the Panacur in the water. I feel the other Americana is also not feeling well, the 2 Gems seem fine. But you can bet I will be watching them like a hawk.

Was able to find some dosing for 'pet birds' regarding suphatrim:

I will need to get a weight on that chick I guess. I gave her 0.05ml this morning, she seems more lethargic now ☹️


50–100 mg/kg, PO, 2 times a day
Could you buy it online?
Could you buy it online?
I found a local feed store that carrries it but the had a run on it this past week and sold the last one. Seems everyone here is having this issue 😟

They can order it but it will take 2 weeks to get here.

I will call around to some other feed stores, and touch base with my farrier, her boyfriend has a poultry farm raises broilers and I sure he will have some I might be able to borrow.

Meanwhile I will continue i with the sulphatrim.
Caturday. Meet naughty Dennis, he breaks into my garden from one of the houses behind.

I thought he was lost but he's just a greedy lad, I found his owners and they told me all about his cheeky antics.
Any chance it ate a cherry? It can't be coccidia with the medicated feed.
Nope - I have not had them outside until last night and I kept them close by.

I am at a loss to think what it might be. I am just about to head out there to check them, I have been running around the township since 10:30 this morning. Just grabbing a bite to eat.

I am hoping to see some improvment in the 1st chick :fl
Nope - I have not had them outside until last night and I kept them close by.

I am at a loss to think what it might be. I am just about to head out there to check them, I have been running around the township since 10:30 this morning. Just grabbing a bite to eat.

I am hoping to see some improvment in the 1st chick :fl
Bob asked if they have been eating the cherry's . Princesses 💩 goes like that with cherry's
At 2 weeks old I can say for certain that Adele is not yet ready for tv time. New season of Criminal Minds: Evolution. Perfect shot to hide away from the heat and teach a chick bad habits. Yeah no, it is the perfect time to test out those wings and try to fly......everywhere. Off the bed onto the tv. Off the tv into the floor right in front of a sleeping CeeCee who I forgot was in here passed out. CeeCee did not even open her eyes by the way. Then she ran under the bed and got to the middle where I could not reach and stood there and screamed. 3 minutes of a distressed my life is ending scream and not moving a muscle. Well that woke CeeCee up and had her curious so I booted her out of the room. I then broke out so far the chicks favorite treat, bread. 2 little pieces tossed towards her and she came bolting to the rest in my hand. Little Piggy thought she deserved the entire piece all to herself. No my dear, back in with your siblings and you have to share. Where did my calm little I want to snuggle in your hand or on your shoulder chick go today? No more tv time this week, we shall try again at a later date.

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