Week 22 June to 29 June 2024

The starting message for Saturday 22 June is 194,731 (Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock')

Previous week’s synopsis is here:
Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'


This week the hot topic was broody hens.



Gosh these chicks are so darn adorable
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Looks like Adele has Rebecca wrapped around her wee claw ♥️
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Yep I would say Adele is well on her way to being the boss.
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Babies babies babies 🥰
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Rebecca updated everyone on her dear Bubba and his problem feet, it doesn’t look good 😞
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Those chicks are growing, now they need names!
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Growing even more day by day!
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What to do with a bratty broody
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Anywhooo I tried chicks again…
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Little Chicken the wee OEGB bantam was keen to keep her prize - run little chickie!
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And the silkie debate continues - are they really chickens?
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Rebecca gave me some valuable information on the OEGB chicks I have…
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More stress and worry as one of the ‘replacement chicks falls ill’
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Her Blueboy had his own opinion on the ‘is a silkie a chicken’ debate…
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Rural Mouse


Also has a bratty broody dilemma
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And is Mera done or not? Who knows…
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Looks like Mera still wants to be broody.
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But maybe she has turned a corner…
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Wee Havoc has competition in rainbows and puppies ♥️
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Princess feels that she is fine digging up the the potted plants - you go for it girl! I always love seeing photos of his lovely old girl.
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This never gets old ♥️
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Hahaha Princess does not look impressed with her spa treatment!
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And Princess presented Marie with a lovely egg!
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Next day she laid an egg from her perch. Ooops!
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Seems Princess is becoming a celebrity of sorts 🥰
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Royal Chick


Sylvie is broody and is going to broody jail. So many broodies.
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A video to remind us all about the intelligence of foxes.
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And a night time visitor reminder!
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Tassels had a surprise teeny tiny egg which RC enjoyed - so wee!
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Sylvie is back in broody jail.
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Beautiful Bernie has been helping RC get over the loss of the lovely Babs
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Seems Sylvie is a minx 😳 sneaky!
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Broodies be crazy….
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Hahaha RC just can’t catch a break!
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RC had a visitor of another sort showing off a fluffy butt!
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Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'



Also has broodie mama wanna be hens. Must be something in the air!
ManueB has some of the most lovely roosters ever!
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Had some helpful hints on dealing with broodies.
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Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'

Oh these baby geese are just so cute!
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But they are growing up and have a new home
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Have they grown overnight?! And what’s up with all those chickens in that tree?!
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What a wonderful photo of the beautiful Honey.
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Light takes the most lovely photos also ♥️
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By Bob


I am just so eggcited for Bob our marvellous host, he has two broodies sitting on eggs. But seems the mamas to be enjoy swapping eggs at times.
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Hi Sydney! And Your Majesty ♥️
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His broodies take their job very seriously.
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A BFTP with his beloved Patsy.
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Bob has his hands full with his broodies it seem!
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I am sure we are all enjoying hearing about Bob’s broody mums. I sure am enjoying it!
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A disappointing candling of 3 of the eggs but there are still many other eggs.
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Sally PB


Hi Sally! I love this beautiful hen 🥰
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Pastel the Rooster


Popped in for chick update.
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Takes wonderful photos, and it helps that her subjects are willing to pose.
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Such a gorgeous flock - I love the spots and stripes, and splashes of colour ♥️
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Whoa Nelly! As beautiful golden eagle was spotted by knoturavggrl near the edge of her property.
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Such lovely pretty chooks, a gorgeous flock.
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We are all enjoying the tales of her wonderful flock and the photos of her delightful silkies (AKA feather dusters), soooo cute ♥️
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The saga continues, I am thoroughly enjoying the tales of her beauties:
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Now this is nice for chickens ♥️ something to cool their toes
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Seems Xzit I’d on the broody side also, Alex wonders if her can trust her in the house while he goes to church - I am sure she is trustworthy 😉
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Seems that she will be fine in the coop though.
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CeeCee is such a cutie pie! What a lovely young pullet.
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Alex’s chicks are now free ranging his property.
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Aw little rooster hurt his foot - I am sure Alex will take good care of him
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So glad his foot is ok.!
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Grandma the Chicken


Is grandma getting slow these days?
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Grandma knows she is beautiful 🥰
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First snake sighting, is this the creature killing chickens? Not likely.
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Today we met the youngsters - gosh they are lovely!
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Do we have a cockerel or a pullet?!
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Dropped in for Pony Sunday with some Heery Coos 😊
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Dropped in to give everyone an update, hope she feels better soon.
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Post in thread 'Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock'

Of interest:


A new person looking for answers made a comment reflecting on the 5 years FBA has been up and running.
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Bob put forth the question stating one would need to ask those who frequent FBA and why they have stayed.
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Here are the answers from those of us who participate on FBA
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Caturday Saturday

Marie2020 has a new moggy that she has adopted - he sure is a handsome boy
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Royal Chick has a catnap kitty 😊
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Fuentemoon has a lovely spotty moggy
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Thank you for doing this for everyone.
Have a good Saturday everyone.

Here is Alex's favourite band

Scrolling through facebook while listening to happy peeps I came across this. This hits home with me and I know it does with others on this thread as well. This one is for all us blessed to be able to have a Rooster and know their love.
View attachment 3876749
Nope - I have not had them outside until last night and I kept them close by.

I am at a loss to think what it might be. I am just about to head out there to check them, I have been running around the township since 10:30 this morning. Just grabbing a bite to eat.

I am hoping to see some improvment in the 1st chick :fl
I sure hope so.
Me and my friend the Wyandottey, are remembering our history together. I mentioned the time when he was screaming at me in the middle of the night. He was wet, and cold. I dried him off with my hair dryer ( I bought for Jaffar) but I took the defective heat plate back the next day. This one’s a little guy, but he’s a good boy so far. He enjoys watching movies with me! That’s always a plus.
Just checking the chicks, the grey chick is out and about, the others are at the back of the brooder plate so I can’t see them, time to give them their medicine.

The horses are looking for their evening hay also.

And the gang is getting ready for bed, it’s quite warm and humid so I have the fan on for them tonight. Such crazy weather.

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