Fluffy Beatdown

Éowyn got beat up again today. This time it was Lady Featherington. I was instantly worried about Éowyn's eyes. Lady Featherington went right for them. This time Éowyn was thoroughly thrashed. We had just taken Lady Featherington off her nest and Éowyn wandered too close. There were claws in her face before she new what happened.

Éowyn hid in the courtyard of the complex and had to be coaxed out afterwards.

If any eggs hatch I think these two will be fierce protectors.
Whoa Nelly! Poor kitty. My cat won’t even come up to the barn anymore, she was trounced by Roxanna once and that was it. She won’t come up there anymore!
Yea thanks. I found this on BYC

Thread 'Updated - Corid and Amprol (amprolium) Dosing'

I worry that they won’t drink any of it, I might have to drench them.

Hopefully the sulpha will help them out by tomorrow. I am going to treat the whole flock, I would say they all have been exposed to the coccidia so I may as well treat them as a preventative.
Do you want me to confirm it?
Yea thanks. I found this on BYC

Thread 'Updated - Corid and Amprol (amprolium) Dosing'

I worry that they won’t drink any of it, I might have to drench them.

Hopefully the sulpha will help them out by tomorrow. I am going to treat the whole flock, I would say they all have been exposed to the coccidia so I may as well treat them as a preventative.
@Ponypoor : @casportpony is my go-to person for chicken issues who has posted many helpful threads on BYC!
Do you want me to confirm it?
Yes please ♥️

I was trying to see what the actual strength was for the amprolium in the product but can only see 20%. I even went to their website. It’s for calves but have seen plenty people online using it. I am fine with using it.

I see the one Sylvester017 posted Corid 9.6% I was worried that the 20% being double that would be difficult to mix for chickens.
Have a good Sunday everyone 😊
No Kelly, it started getting hot much earlier this year. Not fun for the chooks
Today it's cool and chilly with a cold north wind. These wild weather and temperature swings are just not normal for here.

Can't change the weather though, have to learn to adapt. The horses are better with the cooler dryer weather, and the older chooks appreciate it also. My wee sick chicks are staying under the brooder plate.

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