So yesterday I explained to hubby why I was looking at hatching eggs, I'm afraid Morinth will kill herself going broody and raising a clutch might just reset her completely. He told me to find an incubator just in case the silkies reject eggs. 🥹
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He also said maybe it's a good learning experience for the toddler (And the rest of us, we've never hatched before)
My neighbor said if I get an extra roo from my hatch he'd love to barter for him, his rooster has a couple generations of daughters and he's probably near the inbreeding point? We didn't know how many generations can line breed.
I don’t think you will need to worry about her not keeping the eggs. Silkies are just so good! You will be so happy with her 😊
Fluffy butt Friday

May the wind blow up you’re kilt


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