Oooooh! Wee Irish Lassie is going to be a beauty!
Yes she is a funky colour isn’t she? She will make someone a lovely laying hen. She’s one of those Sapphire Gems from Hoovers. Apparently they are a Czech breed - a high production layer apparently.
The two sapphire gems


And the two Americana chicks

They are really getting way too friendly, tonight they were flying up onto my shoulders wanting to snuggle - bad babies! Kelly doesn’t need any more chooks you will be going to new homes in a few months!
Oh for Pete’s sake….

I unplugged the shop light so Mr LC couldn’t roost on the power cable.

No problem he said, I’ll just roost in the rafters. Sheesh! So I left him there. This is the beam that supports the loft floor. Runs over top the doorway to the Summer house - he can stay there till morning.

I sure hope that sapphire gem isn't barred...they're another autosexing breed.
Gave them all of today's eggs as well as the decoys. If they are still lovely nesting mamas in the morning they will be getting eggs.
Here's the new coop all set up. I'll say it seems nicer put all the way together, it did not seem very strong when assembling. I put hardware cloth in the drainage corners because they were like 2" triangles!!!
Also my husband told her "yeah, we'll take all of them. And we'll look at chicks too."
He's the one falling for chicken math!!! Good thing my neighbor brought his incubator over and said he'd love an extra roo from the hatch.

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