Many yrs ago I discovered what I thought looked like a baby fox in a cardboard box on my front porch. It was so cute peeking out it's little pointed snout & dark little eyes looking up at me. Such a cute baby fox w/ a reddish coat that let me pick it up. I didn't know what to do w/it & put it in the house in our old Rottweiler carrier. Gave it water but not sure about food. I still wasn't convinced if it was a puppy fox or a puppy dog. I asked the neighbors on my street if anyone lost a puppy & no one had lost one.

I kept the baby overnight to decide in the morning to call animal rescue & seriously wanting to keep the puppy if it was not a fox cuz it was so darn sweet as animal babies can be.

The next morning a knock on the door from a distant neighbor said my close neighbors told her about me having found a puppy & she had lost a baby Pomeranian. She bred Pomeranians & one got lost. Since she described it exactly I knew it was hers & brought out the cute little bugger to her. It was so excited to be in her arms! I was kinda sad & she offered another litter mate for sale but at the time they went for $1000 way beyond my budget teehee!

Oh well, that's the closest I came to having a Pomeranian!
Yep Fenix was originally 800 but we got him for less because the lady liked that I wanted to train him as a service dog. He's too nervous for the job but he does do the alerts for migraines, anxiety attacks, and was starting to learn allergen alerting before we decided he wasn't going to be able to be in public. He's a big help at home though!
Yep Fenix was originally 800 but we got him for less because the lady liked that I wanted to train him as a service dog. He's too nervous for the job but he does do the alerts for migraines, anxiety attacks, and was starting to learn allergen alerting before we decided he wasn't going to be able to be in public. He's a big help at home though!
I could really use a service dog. Grandma wont allow any more pets in the house until my cat passes away, we don't have the money for a dog anyway right now. But if we are ever able to get one, my dad wants to choose the breed. He wants the typical "manly" breed, a big dog that will be a good family dog but also a watch/guard dog, like a german shepherd 🙄 (not that I have anything against german shepherds. My dad is just too obsessive over these traits that he wants in a dog). He's also more recently leaned toward wanting a blue heeler/ACD, or just some smart breed with energy that will also relax with its people. I've tried to tell him that it has to do with the individual dog's personality and how it's trained but again, he's so ultra stuck on his idea of a "perfect dog" UGH...

I would happily adopt some mutt from a shelter or rescue. Big dog, small dog, scruffy dog, sleek dog, ugly dog, pretty dog, lazy dog, playful dog, doesn't matter to me! I've always been a dog person
Twofer, two fuzzy boys

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