Mineral Sunday

as promised....

Last weekend Mrs. BY Bob and I took a vacation to New England. We stopped off in the Maine mineral museum. Mrs BY Bob is obsessed with gem stones and they mine a lot of them in Maine. Little did we know that the museum has the largest collection of meteorites in the world.

You can even touch them.

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Even better though, the have pieces of the moon......

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And MARS...

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That fell to earth as meteors.

It was amazing to hold pieces of MARS and the moon and totally unexpected. I recommend that if you ever find yourself in the area that you go to the museum. Amazing!

Mineral tax
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Wow. What an amazing experience. Touching parts of another planet.

Thanks for sharing Bob 👍 😊
Good morning fluffy butt's. It's been all rain here. I don't know what today is going to turn out like.

Have a good day all

Princess on Saturday
Hello dear friends.

I am still a wreck and I do not think the guilt will go away for some time yet, if ever. It hurts to even look at the big black girls, and there are 5 of them.

I did not want to go outside Saturday evening. I had to though. There were eggs to be collected, evening snack to be fed and the littles are let out the last hour or so before roosting time. I tried focusing on the chicks while they played. The big girls would have none of it. Holly and Raven along with Spot and Dottie decided of all times it was the day to chase the littles. I was ready to ship all 4 off to KFC before the evening was out.

Today I spent most of the afternoon outside with everyone. I found a forgotten bag of cherries in the fridge and I handed them out. Their special snack seemed to satisfy all the adults and when I had the chicks out tonight they left them alone. I should have brought out my camera but I did not. The chicks were in rare form today. They all had the zoomies and were putting on a show. The silkies were hopping and flapping everywhere. There is a Mirror that is beside the building that was once in a yard sale. This evening George discovered his reflection. He raised his hackles at himself. He charged the mirror and pecked his reflection. He would then run around like crazy for a second and come back and repeat the performance. Watching them play I could not help but laugh a little at them. I am letting them loose in the evenings because it is easier to round them up in the coop after the adults get on the roost. I was sitting on the building ramp waiting on the evening roosting squabbles to finish before I put the chicks up. They came on the ramp and decided they were all going to sleep either in my lap or beside me tonight. I sat with them like that until I just had enough light to see what I was doing.

Blueberry and Bunnies loss is deeply felt and their presence is missed. Those that remain, adults and chicks, they let me know they are still here and need me. They are here to make me laugh and make me yell at them and vex me.

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