Late Mugs Monday.
Kiddo has declared she needs a RED chicken all of her own. So uh...homework time I guess? 😆
It is time to get to researching red chickens mom.

Since this is to be her chicken I would steer away from the red production breeds. Their temperaments are lovely, my Cinnamon Queen girls were sweet. For a child's pet we want something with a little more longevity.

I suggest a red silkie or cochin.

If she considers the buffs as red chickens you cannot go wrong with a Buff orpington hen.
It's Official!

Aster has laid an egg, 7 in fact!

We have been away visiting family for 11 days. She must have started right after we left. There were no eggs on 12/22. In fact I had not seen her even check out a nest box. let's allow a day or 2 and estimate that it was a Christmas present from her to us. that would then be 7 eggs in 9 days!

So now its guessing time. Before looking, what color do you think it is? Is it white like a leghorn? Is it another beige egg? Could it b dark brown? Did BY Bob get another Blue layer somehow like her mum? Is it green of all things? Or is it a royal Pink in hue?

Guess before looking

It is the official color of FBA, Beige.

View attachment 4019181

It weighs 1.7 oz or 47 grams

View attachment 4019182

Does that help at all with breed identification? It must at least rule some breeds out, right?
I did not look and I still stand by my original guess. It is the light tan color of a orp egg. I still think Aster is a Splash orpington.
It is time to get to researching red chickens mom.

Since this is to be her chicken I would steer away from the red production breeds. Their temperaments are lovely, my Cinnamon Queen girls were sweet. For a child's pet we want something with a little more longevity.

I suggest a red silkie or cochin.

If she considers the buffs as red chickens you cannot go wrong with a Buff orpington hen.
Yes I want to avoid production hens.
She did briefly have a little rusty colored cochin cross named Biscuit. This new red hen is going to be named Biscuit Two.
She says Butterbirds are orange and we need them too haha.

A bonus if they have pompoms. She says she wants a red polish hen but I've only seen laced. img_20200421_130902-e1587472955376.jpg
Here's one from the UK, I'll send this picture around to the people I know breed polishes to see if they know where I could find one.

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