Friends, we are packed up and waiting and watching. It has not rained for a few hours thankfully. Next round of storms is supposed to hit in about a hour. Even if it does not rain one more drop we are in trouble, the backwater is rising. We cannot get out of the holler, have not been able to all afternoon. Our plan is if we have to go, we go up on the hill to where the cabin is and will be staying in the cars. Dad will saddle Dirt and pony Russ up there as well. My chickens, all I can do for them is to box up the silkies and bring them with me, the others that can fly they will have to fend for themselves. They have the hillside they can go to for saftey in the trees. I have no choice. Our whole subdivision is about to be underwater and all our neighbors are joining us on the hill. The barn and concession stand at the ring....Water is level with the concession porch and ready to break into the barn. I'm praying for the best, but we are all ready to run. If we run, I will not be able to get on probably for several days.
Oh my gosh! Praying for your safety and that all the chickens you have to leave at home. May they all find safety in a tree. 🙏
I am so sorry to hear about your sister passing, I know you were close, and I also know that you have been hurting for quite a while knowing this was coming and watching her deteriorate.

:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs You are a wonderful sister:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs

I am glad that you have Hazel, Annie and Tedi to give you love and good conversation. I really think Diane-Ida-Biter wants your attention and love, and feels neglected and outcast, and, like a bully, feels that aggression is the only way to get attention from you due to her insecurities (unlike others).

I wonder if you could take her out from the run, someplace separate, where you could be one on one with her and give attention and treats, if she would get better? Giving her a peck on the head correction, of course, if she tries to be aggressive? Since you said she is at her best in the morning - maybe that would be a good time to try to spend about 10-15 min. alone with her to start???? No idea if this will work, as I'm not a psychologist, but as a study of human nature, the way to help bullies is to get them to feel more secure - and to help them see the error of their current ways. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. I think the worst that will happen is no progress and a loss of time - the best might be some improvement. Maybe start with holding her, massaging her breast, and giving treats with a small dish so she doesn't peck your hand while taking treats.???????
Yes I have a few that peck my legs really hard, but when I scooch down to them they want to snuggle.

I like the idea of one on one time.
Jeez— I have a phobia of whales and this sure doesn't help 🤣🤣🤣

I love them but they scare me because of their size. And because things like this can (rarely) happen and there's not really much you can do about it
Turns out you are too big for them to swallow which may be comforting!

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