FBA Synopsis

2025 - February 22 through March 1

Disclaimer * I am attempting this lovely cleaner-looking linking for the Synopsis. I think I did it right but if not please forgive me I will be under the chair :oops: with Featherhead.

BY Bob:
  • Beautiful Betty , photos of her gorgeous self. The ladies strutted their stuff during a coop clean out, delighting in fresh straw enjoy a coop clean out and fresh straw to rearrange and peck through.
  • A Third layer has decided to start laying again. I wonder if this means warm weather is on the horizon?
  • Chicken boots for foot injuries arrived although they do look a tad small for BY Bob Here is a video that shows how they work, pretty nifty! Great for the emergency kit for sure.
  • BY Bob’s stunning mouse control
  • Whiskers and snow
  • The chickens and horses finally get to go outside, Freedom!
  • Laverne needed a new bandage after digging.
  • Winter woes, Pony is looking at more super cold weather after a brief break. :(
  • Lulu is still not doing well.
  • A lovely photo series of her flock wading through a flooded low area in warmer times. Spring has to come soon right?
Royal Chick:
  • New layer Lori, congrats!
  • An update on the flooding and weather. Goose has also decided that since it is slightly warmer now, it’s time to go broody.
  • The Monkeyman Fanclub (identity unknown) gifted her a puzzle with Branch’s photo on it. So very sweet
Grandma The Chicken:
  • she shows us three of her gorgeous hens
  • Coop clean out time.
Rural mouse:
Simple Jenn:
  • Lockdown has begun, good luck to Jenn and all the little eggs.
  • Adorable chicks
  • More adorable close-up chick fix photos
  • First to hatch so eggciting!
  • Her surgery went very well, she should be home soon.
  • Home and healing up with the hatched count at 2.
  • More hatching out soon!! The next to hatch is a wee little Olive Egger.
  • There were more chicks this morning, and most of the eggs have at least pipped. What cuties! An Ayam and a pokie have hatched.
  • Some lovely pictures of some fluffy chicks that hatched as well as one having a bit of a rough start.
  • Some photos of the sweet hatchlings
  • She explains how she has been battling the cold and snow in the coop and an update on Diane.
  • three perfectly placed eggs
  • Beautiful days and happy chickens
  • An update and some quiche yum It is a long way to go for dinner but I am still very tempted by these photos!
  • Answers to some questions and more details about the chicken having seizures.
  • Some thoughts on the color variations in silkies
  • Mika decides to shake things up
  • Ostrich journals, melting snow, and beautiful chicken pictures
  • A Beautiful day and a chicken magic show
fuentemoon, ValerieJ, BY Bob, notabitail
Royal Chick, Ponypoor’s surprising mug, more awesome mugs from Ponypoor, SimpleJenn, another adorable mug from SimpleJenn
Ponypoor, Rural Mouse
Thirsty Thursday:
BY Bob, notabitail,
Rural mouse, ChicoryBlue, Ponypoor
Marie2020, Ponypoor,
FBA Synopsis

2025 - February 22 through March 1

Disclaimer * I am attempting this lovely cleaner-looking linking for the Synopsis. I think I did it right but if not please forgive me I will be under the chair :oops: with Featherhead.

BY Bob:
  • Beautiful Betty , photos of her gorgeous self. The ladies strutted their stuff during a coop clean out, delighting in fresh straw enjoy a coop clean out and fresh straw to rearrange and peck through.
  • A Third layer has decided to start laying again. I wonder if this means warm weather is on the horizon?
  • Chicken boots for foot injuries arrived although they do look a tad small for BY Bob Here is a video that shows how they work, pretty nifty! Great for the emergency kit for sure.
  • BY Bob’s stunning mouse control
  • Whiskers and snow
  • The chickens and horses finally get to go outside, Freedom!
  • Laverne needed a new bandage after digging.
  • Winter woes, Pony is looking at more super cold weather after a brief break. :(
  • Lulu is still not doing well.
  • A lovely photo series of her flock wading through a flooded low area in warmer times. Spring has to come soon right?
Royal Chick:
  • beautiful redhead photo
  • Mom has had enough of the babies!
  • The babies have names
  • His beautiful Roo
  • Beautiful golden girl
  • New layer Lori, congrats!
  • An update on the flooding and weather. Goose has also decided that since it is slightly warmer now, it’s time to go broody.
  • The Monkeyman Fanclub (identity unknown) gifted her a puzzle with Branch’s photo on it. So very sweet
Grandma The Chicken:
  • she shows us three of her gorgeous hens
  • Coop clean out time.
Rural mouse:
  • The chickens are venturing further into the snow.
  • Roosting drama.
  • Breakfast is served
Simple Jenn:
  • Lockdown has begun, good luck to Jenn and all the little eggs.
  • Adorable chicks
  • More adorable close-up chick fix photos
  • First to hatch so eggciting!
  • Her surgery went very well, she should be home soon.
  • Home and healing up with the hatched count at 2.
  • More hatching out soon!! The next to hatch is a wee little Olive Egger.
  • There were more chicks this morning, and most of the eggs have at least pipped. What cuties! An Ayam and a pokie have hatched.
  • Some lovely pictures of some fluffy chicks that hatched as well as one having a bit of a rough start.
  • Some photos of the sweet hatchlings
  • She explains how she has been battling the cold and snow in the coop and an update on Diane.
  • three perfectly placed eggs
  • Beautiful days and happy chickens
  • An update and some quiche yum It is a long way to go for dinner but I am still very tempted by these photos!
  • Answers to some questions and more details about the chicken having seizures.
  • Some thoughts on the color variations in silkies
  • Mika decides to shake things up
  • Ostrich journals, melting snow, and beautiful chicken pictures
  • A Beautiful day and a chicken magic show
fuentemoon, ValerieJ, BY Bob, notabitail
Royal Chick, Ponypoor’s surprising mug, more awesome mugs from Ponypoor, SimpleJenn, another adorable mug from SimpleJenn
Ponypoor, Rural Mouse
Thirsty Thursday:
BY Bob, notabitail,
Rural mouse, ChicoryBlue, Ponypoor
Marie2020, Ponypoor,
Thank you for posting this weeks synopsis :frow
FBA Synopsis

2025 - February 22 through March 1

Disclaimer * I am attempting this lovely cleaner-looking linking for the Synopsis. I think I did it right but if not please forgive me I will be under the chair :oops: with Featherhead.

BY Bob:
  • Beautiful Betty , photos of her gorgeous self. The ladies strutted their stuff during a coop clean out, delighting in fresh straw enjoy a coop clean out and fresh straw to rearrange and peck through.
  • A Third layer has decided to start laying again. I wonder if this means warm weather is on the horizon?
  • Chicken boots for foot injuries arrived although they do look a tad small for BY Bob Here is a video that shows how they work, pretty nifty! Great for the emergency kit for sure.
  • BY Bob’s stunning mouse control
  • Whiskers and snow
  • The chickens and horses finally get to go outside, Freedom!
  • Laverne needed a new bandage after digging.
  • Winter woes, Pony is looking at more super cold weather after a brief break. :(
  • Lulu is still not doing well.
  • A lovely photo series of her flock wading through a flooded low area in warmer times. Spring has to come soon right?
Royal Chick:
  • beautiful redhead photo
  • Mom has had enough of the babies!
  • The babies have names
  • His beautiful Roo
  • Beautiful golden girl
  • New layer Lori, congrats!
  • An update on the flooding and weather. Goose has also decided that since it is slightly warmer now, it’s time to go broody.
  • The Monkeyman Fanclub (identity unknown) gifted her a puzzle with Branch’s photo on it. So very sweet
Grandma The Chicken:
  • she shows us three of her gorgeous hens
  • Coop clean out time.
Rural mouse:
  • The chickens are venturing further into the snow.
  • Roosting drama.
  • Breakfast is served
Simple Jenn:
  • Lockdown has begun, good luck to Jenn and all the little eggs.
  • Adorable chicks
  • More adorable close-up chick fix photos
  • First to hatch so eggciting!
  • Her surgery went very well, she should be home soon.
  • Home and healing up with the hatched count at 2.
  • More hatching out soon!! The next to hatch is a wee little Olive Egger.
  • There were more chicks this morning, and most of the eggs have at least pipped. What cuties! An Ayam and a pokie have hatched.
  • Some lovely pictures of some fluffy chicks that hatched as well as one having a bit of a rough start.
  • Some photos of the sweet hatchlings
  • She explains how she has been battling the cold and snow in the coop and an update on Diane.
  • three perfectly placed eggs
  • Beautiful days and happy chickens
  • An update and some quiche yum It is a long way to go for dinner but I am still very tempted by these photos!
  • Answers to some questions and more details about the chicken having seizures.
  • Some thoughts on the color variations in silkies
  • Mika decides to shake things up
  • Ostrich journals, melting snow, and beautiful chicken pictures
  • A Beautiful day and a chicken magic show
fuentemoon, ValerieJ, BY Bob, notabitail
Royal Chick, Ponypoor’s surprising mug, more awesome mugs from Ponypoor, SimpleJenn, another adorable mug from SimpleJenn
Ponypoor, Rural Mouse
Thirsty Thursday:
BY Bob, notabitail,
Rural mouse, ChicoryBlue, Ponypoor
Marie2020, Ponypoor,
The links did work, and I quite like the way you did it.
When we got our clean-legged Cuckoo Marans in 2012 she was a mated bird as her missing back feathers indicated the tell-tale matings. So her 1st 5 eggs we thought may be fertile & gave them to a neighbor's broody. 3 eggs hatched & a couple of them grew out Cuckoo males w/feathered legs ~ a clean-legged Cuckoo momma that had feather-legged Cuckoo offspring? Our Cuckoo Marans hen layed dark brown eggs which were pretty but never the deep chocolate one expects from a Marans. If she got anywhere near a #3 on the Marans egg chart it was rare ~ they were mostly #2 & rarely #3. For those #2 & #3 Cuckoo eggs we could've got Welsummers instead w/ terra cotta speckled eggs & a better temperament than a Cuckoo Marans. But that's just me thinking back again...

Marans egg chart
View attachment 4061885

Welsummer hens look like Light Brown Leghorns but Wellies have the unique speckled terra cotta eggs
If the father had feathered feet, easily possible. And he was likely not barred, so offspring would have been sex-linked: males barred, females solid.

Egg color....likely diluted down some working on feather patterns. I'd love some dark brown egg layers.
I went out and snapped a few pictures.

I love this, silkie girls hard at work. That is Patsy and the black one is Lori. Martina the other partridge with the beard has already laid so that is 3 girls hard at work.
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Today's haul so far, Lori has yet to lay she is just making herself comfortable.
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Mrs. E is laying, she laid her first egg yesterday and here is todays. I am pleasantly surprised by the size. I was thinking it would be smaller. I know it is Mrs. E's egg because I caught her in the act yesterday and today.
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Mrs. E herself, my not so bantam, bantam brahma. She is as big as my big girls. I know I say I want a big brahma, but, just how big are those "big" girls?
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Mrs E, Lilly and Holly
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Oh how I have missed the swagger of a silkie roo strutting his stuff. Work it Davy.
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My main man George.
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I'm surrounded by roos, hello Bosa.
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A tiny terror in the making, Turkey! When I say tiny, I mean tiny.
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I wore crocs out today, Bosa was curious but seeing as how there was no shoe string, he did not peck my feet. So, it is a shoe string fetish he has.
View attachment 4061974View attachment 4061975View attachment 4061976He still had to thoroughly inspect them. Look at Georges shadow. I swear he is part parrot. His shadow looks like a cockatoo.View attachment 4061978View attachment 4061980View attachment 4061981View attachment 4061982View attachment 4061983View attachment 4061984View attachment 4061985View attachment 4061987
What is it with these silkie boys. They have all fallen head over heels for the too big for them cochin girls.
View attachment 4061986View attachment 4061988View attachment 4061989View attachment 4061990View attachment 4061991View attachment 4061992Sing the song of your people George.
View attachment 4061993Ooh, could I get 4 silkie eggs today?
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Where are you going mom, I must follow every move you make.
View attachment 4061997
How big to brahmas get?
Rose, the buff one is larger than the others. Both she and Belladonna are close to Whiskey's size.

Rose with Mera

Primula in the middle, with Nellie (brown leghorn tail) behind and Hyacinth (silver-laced wyandotte) in front. Cardhu is off to the left, Whiskey's daughter by Pear, Partridge Plymouth Rock.
How big to brahmas get?
View attachment 4062026Rose, the buff one is larger than the others. Both she and Belladonna are close to Whiskey's size.

View attachment 4062027Rose with Mera

View attachment 4062028Primula in the middle, with Nellie (brown leghorn tail) behind and Hyacinth (silver-laced wyandotte) in front. Cardhu is off to the left, Whiskey's daughter by Pear, Partridge Plymouth Rock.
Well, now I am really questioning Mrs. E. She is big, and heavy. She is obviously a dark brahma. She has grew so much since she first showed up. I have to believe she is not really a bantam brahma like I originally thought but standard sized. Either way I love her. It is also amazing how becoming a layer can change the temperament of a hen. Mrs. anti-social do not touch me has became a lap chicken overnight. I could not touch her during the day, only at night when I had to carry her to the roost. Now.....I'm tripping over her and can reach down and pick her up or pet her whenever I want. This change happened overnight mind you.

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