Coop drama tonight. They all went to bed early due to the rain and darkness. Too dangerous for me to sit in with them. Rooster was still roostering. They were chasing Nacho around and the little ones kept dodging pecks. The Rockettes were probably thinking “see I told ya, there goes our quiet neighborhood!” :barnie
Coop drama tonight. They all went to bed early due to the rain and darkness. Too dangerous for me to sit in with them. Rooster was still roostering. They were chasing Nacho around and the little ones kept dodging pecks. The Rockettes were probably thinking “see I told ya, there goes our quiet neighborhood!” :barnie
The way of the chicken.
Me and my brother made progress this evening. The coop is built. He stopped by Lowes after work and got 8 kennel clamps. $70 and change worth of kennel clamps. At hearing the price I am fuming as they were supposed to be included. I paid $426.00 for the kennel. My brother and his friend had already had it unloaded last night at the edge of dark when they informed me the clamps were not included. I did not check and took them for their word. We had 2 of the sides up when I looked and wanted to kill him. They were included, they were just bolted to the panels in a way that made them look like part of the framework for the sides. He has to make a trip back to Lowes tomorrow to return them. He also thought ahead and picked up a tarp to cover the top for the time being. I will change it over to a tin top but for right now it keeps the rain off and will block them from a hawk attack. We got it moved into place, decided to move it against Russ's stall as it was more level. With what daylight remained we used what hardwire cloth I had to line the bottom with. I am about 6 feet short of having enough. He is going to pick up a roll for me when he returns the clamps. He is also going to pick up clear shower curtains for me to line the sides exposed to the wind and we are good to go. Tomorrow morning I will bed it with sawdust and separate them. I will also fix up a roosting situation and nest boxes. April 3rd I will start collecting eggs from them for hatching eggs. That will give them a full month being away from George. I will also get pictures in the morning. When we got done it was already dark and my camera does not do well anymore taking pictures in the dark.
Me and my brother made progress this evening. The coop is built. He stopped by Lowes after work and got 8 kennel clamps. $70 and change worth of kennel clamps. At hearing the price I am fuming as they were supposed to be included. I paid $426.00 for the kennel. My brother and his friend had already had it unloaded last night at the edge of dark when they informed me the clamps were not included. I did not check and took them for their word. We had 2 of the sides up when I looked and wanted to kill him. They were included, they were just bolted to the panels in a way that made them look like part of the framework for the sides. He has to make a trip back to Lowes tomorrow to return them. He also thought ahead and picked up a tarp to cover the top for the time being. I will change it over to a tin top but for right now it keeps the rain off and will block them from a hawk attack. We got it moved into place, decided to move it against Russ's stall as it was more level. With what daylight remained we used what hardwire cloth I had to line the bottom with. I am about 6 feet short of having enough. He is going to pick up a roll for me when he returns the clamps. He is also going to pick up clear shower curtains for me to line the sides exposed to the wind and we are good to go. Tomorrow morning I will bed it with sawdust and separate them. I will also fix up a roosting situation and nest boxes. April 3rd I will start collecting eggs from them for hatching eggs. That will give them a full month being away from George. I will also get pictures in the morning. When we got done it was already dark and my camera does not do well anymore taking pictures in the dark.
Yay on getting the coop built!!!

I have to say, I laughed when you talked about the missing clamps. We recently ordered a custom made bedroom set (made by the Amish). It was pricey, so one would expect everything to be included. We had a cedar chest built in to the foot board complete with a bio lock. The bio lock itself was missing, although the wiring was in place. :idunno

Well, the dresser was fine, except we couldn't open the drawers. The new system of having only one drawer open at a time malfunctioned and we couldn't open any drawers. So we called and put in a repair and missing parts request, that also included some other missing pieces for the bed which DH was able to replace with some wood in his shop as they weren't going to show. Long story short, after all that, and before they were able to respond to us, DH was able to jimmy the dresser drawers open and low and behold, all the parts were inside one of the drawers. :rolleyes: Needless to say, the locking mechanism on the drawers has been disabled. 😁

It seems to me, when they put parts in unusual places, like in a completely different piece of furniture, or attached to one of the panels to the dog run, they should give you a heads up. Would sure save a lot of trouble!!! :hmm

I'm glad it all worked out in the end for you....and for us.

tax: Lucy with Lucy II before we knew to rename him Louie Louie. (Louie II)

Lucy 2 at 16 days.JPG
It’s really pouring down rain here now. I feel sorry for the chooks. It’s basically dry in the coop but there’s a chance of a few leaks in that tin roof.
I had a COPD flare up today when I was vacuuming the chicken room. Those episodes are no joke.
Would an N95 mask w/respirator help to cut down dust? COPD is no joke to trifle with...
N95 Valved Respirator Mask

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