Those pictures of Mr. P have made me started to think of him as Mr Pavarotti.
It is only a minute but watch him really belting it out towards the end!
Only Pavarotti can make me listen to an opera! Yet another great name to use for a roo w/ a good set of lungs ❣️~ Vivaldi or Pavorotti. We once had a musical roo...

TRUMPET ~ why are Silkies so darn cute?!


Chickens are very good at that! Ours will dig so deep in the raised garden beds you only see dust flying into the air & no chicken. When we close off the beds for vegetable planting they're forced to use their designated sandbox.

Garden bed dustbath



Sometimes they don't wait for cleared plants before parking themselves in the beds...
We were playing with the babies, and the zipper was too far open so poor Chocolate fell out. Thankfully right into kiddo's lap so we returned her to the brooder. 😱
Also, Slowpoke will lay on my hand and try to sleep, but couldn't because all the other jealous birdies kept pecking at her to move 😆
More and more are getting less fearful and coming over for chesty scritches, which we all know are the best.

Oh! Yeti, Red, Navy, and Slowpoke all know "step up" and will do so!
This reminded me of the first time I raised my chicks in the coop. We separate out a nice section for them that has indoor and outdoor enclosure space when they are old enough. For us it's perfect. There is even a separate door on that side of the coop. But after the first batch had grown a couple weeks, and they were wandering more and more beyond the sweeter heater, I opened the door and 5 chicks fell out onto the ground!!! They were fine, but we were all quite startled. They had been "roosting" on the little wooden edging that keeps the straw in. :lau Of course I never let that happen again. :rolleyes:

I love raising chicks this way, not having them in my house or the rabbit hole (room in garage). But, it is not possible to create strong bonds with them, as when they are inside and handled all the time. They hide under their heater when we come to freshen food, water and space. It works okay for us, as we enjoy watching our chickens create their own society and friendships. We love sitting out there and watching them. Our interactions are mainly maintenance, feeding and treats, and of course keeping an eye on their health. But when the berries and blueberries are in bloom, they all come running to me and say, "hey old buddy old's about some of your berries?" 😁 They get the lion's share of them.

I know that is very different than the sort of interaction you all have with your chickens. Can we still be friends? :oops:

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