I know you give lovely care to all your animals but Nancy Rose has such sad expressions even when she's relaxed. Sweet thing...I just want to cuddle her🩷

Dogs have very expressive eyebrow movement...kitties open & close their eyes but don't have eyebrow dexterity movement like dogs do. Cats just have whiskery hairs sticking straight up as eyebrows:idunno
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feline eyebrow communication explored

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I'll have to capture in a shot when she's laughing 😃. She's a little minx.
She teases the little Shih Tzu dogs next door, they are always barking at everyone and everything. They were barking at us coming home one day and as we got up our steps Nancy poked her head over the top of their gate and they ran off, still barking.

The happiness and that expression on Nancy's face was hilarious, how I wish I could have taken a picture.

I asked her to smile

This expression is similar
Well, everyone. Grandma's eye is still not doing well and what give me the heebie-jeebies is that everytime she moves her eye, the little something in her eye goes under the skin and oi. I touched it lightly and I could definitely feel it. I don't know if it hurts her. It probably doesn't, however I noticed that when I put each fingers close to both eyes, she is more triggered to close her left eye than her right eye, but of course her right eye is going to do the same. It's just less triggered because her right eye doesn't have a little bubble in it. I've seen worse on other chickens but I just... Oi it freaks me out every time I see it. Also, that black thing that's on there is a hair that might've came from her.
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I hope this is fixed soon. That looks sore 😳
Hubby doesn't want a rooster at all, or just not yet? They are such a great member of the flock. They provide protection, for one thing.
He knows we have roosters in the chicks we hatched, I believe it's mostly he didn't want to do the drive because our car is having issues.
My dad and I will be going to get the new guy.
Beautiful Warm Day
It was a beautiful warm day yesterday. So warm that Hattie was moving around the yard despite her arthritis.

She even hid from the sun in the shade at one point.

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She was moving quite well, so good to see her enjoying the warmth.

In another post I saw mentioning crested breed possibilities and it sent me on a search. They are all gorgeous of course. But here is one that stood out for your future consideration (I would lose my enabler status if I didn’t at least throw my hat in)

The Shetland Hen - A Scottish landrace breed that comes in random colors AND they lay blue or green eggs!

Photos to tempt us all!



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