My Aero was jealous, so I brought her in for a treat.
It’s important to treat your golden girls with the utmost care and respect! IMG_5055.jpeg
The chicks have settled in to their new digs and seem to be quite happy with them. The hens are very curious about the newcomers. Opening the door to the coop this morning revealed a set of beaks all pointed toward the brooder section. I sure wish one of them would get interested enough to go in and live with them and raise them up right.

Note to self: reasons to have a silkie flock. Note to DH: up to building a new coop?
She was moving quite well, so good to see her enjoying the warmth.

In another post I saw mentioning crested breed possibilities and it sent me on a search. They are all gorgeous of course. But here is one that stood out for your future consideration (I would lose my enabler status if I didn’t at least throw my hat in)

The Shetland Hen - A Scottish landrace breed that comes in random colors AND they lay blue or green eggs!

Photos to tempt us all!
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View attachment 4070816
A Polish Easter Egger❣️
The chicks have settled in to their new digs and seem to be quite happy with them. The hens are very curious about the newcomers. Opening the door to the coop this morning revealed a set of beaks all pointed toward the brooder section. I sure wish one of them would get interested enough to go in and live with them and raise them up right.

Note to self: reasons to have a silkie flock. Note to DH: up to building a new coop?
I have 2 Silkie broodies now...seems cruel to not let them be mammas but we are already 1 chicken over the zoned maximum birds. They'll get over it :idunno

Past Silkie broodies ~ 2014 Mini & Violet


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