We over-compensated in the beginning getting so many metal lidded cans. We never kept feed storage outdoors anywhere & most feed is refrigerated in a locked garage. A lot of our metal cans are used for yard trash or recycled stuff now. This will be our last flock so we won't need all the chicken stuff we used in the past. I'm so handicapped I'm even downsizing the gardening tools too heavy to deal with. In the house I may start downsizing excess chicken decor too.
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Is that the oven? Love the picture!

I am the same with the horses. Once they are gone no more. Now that Lulu is gone I am down to only two. Truly will likely need to be dealt with before next winter. I live in fear of her falling in the stall and hurting herself. So much worry with them. I am too old to get hurt with them, the chooks are good next step ‘after horses’ pet to keep.

They are also worrisome but they don’t weight 1,000lbs! Thus, not so dangerous.
Maybe....I say that because of his yellow tones....dunno if he's dominate white or recessive white...actually....isn't he splash with wheaten leakage? Should make pullets blue....with a bit of gold leakage? And cockerels red and blue? (Not Blue Breasted Gold as neither has the Black Breasted Red thing).....NOW YOU HAVE TO HATCH THAT COMBO! WE NEED TO KNOW!
Nice try 😊👍

Maybe next year!
According to kippenjungle, males: black patterned yellow/golden incomplete laced/half spangled (translation for @RoyalChick Whiskey's breast, more all over, yellow-gold, legbar type crest)
Females: silver, incomplete double laced/half spangled (Chia only silver instead of gold and with a legbar type crest)

Chia picView attachment 4072629
Take my temperature...I think I actually understood all that! ~ Chia is gorgeous ❣️
Teehee...I was just asking for gen'l curiosity. If I had an issue my vet is 10 mins away to inspect or test a bird for me. It seems like there are many viral & bacterial infections that chickens carry or inherit from a parent...so many I can somewhat understand the poultry industry not being concerned to have a vaccine, cure, or treatment for so many issues.

Even the gen'l public is getting somewhat aware of chicken issues when today my therapist learned we had chickens she said, "Ooo, you have fresh eggs you didn't have to search for in the store!" People become chicken aware when shortages or high prices hit their pocketbook.

My favorite Fluffy Butts pic ~ 4-mo-old Silkies
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I sold almost all my eggs today that were in the fridge - my mum was so happy to see them gone.

I gleefully told her - oh I have 5 dozen more in the barn from the past couple days, today I got 20 eggs….. yesterday 2 dozen…. Soon be over run again with eggs 😆

Mum was not impressed. Oh she likes the money though from the egg sales 😁👍
Tylan soluable 100g

Dose is 50mg/kg

But I have no idea how much 50mg is. I just can’t seem to find this info anywhere.

All they say is the whole lot in 50 gallons of water - a little more than I need really…. 😳

Is 50mg a tsp, half a cup… just what is this 50mg dose in measurement?

Help! @bgmathteach and @BY Bob

My two brainiacs!
I use the dropper syringes to measure it. Very inexpensive at TSC.
For those who have been sad for George on loosing his silkie girls. Yes, that includes myself by the way. After today's observations I can safely say to not feel bad for George. He now has a new leading lady who he is shadowing and vice versa.

Who is the new object of George's affection you many ask?

None other then this pretty lady Mrs. E
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The two of them together.
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If you can't be near the one you love...then love the one you're near.

He didn't pine away for long!
I sold almost all my eggs today that were in the fridge - my mum was so happy to see them gone.

I gleefully told her - oh I have 5 dozen more in the barn from the past couple days, today I got 20 eggs….. yesterday 2 dozen…. Soon be over run again with eggs 😆

Mum was not impressed. Oh she likes the money though from the egg sales 😁👍
That's great! Nice that you have people who want to buy eggs, but I suppose a lot do these days. I don't get enough to share, but when I do I have someone I give them to.
I use the dropper syringes to measure it. Very inexpensive at TSC.
Yes but I need to know how much of the powder is equal to 50mg.

Any other med would say something like ‘1/2 tsp = 10g’

So then I would know that if I needed 20g I would use 1 tsp.

But for the life of me I cannot find this data anywhere.

And I am also getting conflicting info on egg withdrawl- one place states no egg withdrawl another 9 days and 14 days and the bottle I have states “do not use in laying hens”.

I think that is likely a Canadian Food Inspection agency thing though. If it hasn’t been tested and approved here then they won’t approve it for use. It’s very eggspensive to test all these meds and our egg industry isn’t large enough to go to all the trouble - a large industry like that in the UK, Australia or Europe would spend the money for testing (and is usually where I take my queue from). Why they just don’t use data from there I don’t know - I think it has to do with specific pathogens in different regions.

Anywhooooo so here I sit going down the Tylosin rabbit hole! Clyde won’t get dosed tonight I guess.

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