Mr P

I feel really bad this wee man, he is his own worse enemy. This morning I noted his beak had some blood on it, I figured he had pecked some one or something. The more I stared at it the more I wanted a closer look he seemed to be ‘licking his chops’ with his beak. So I caught him and with my glasses on checked him out. Used my magnifying glass also.

Looks like he has cracked his beak. So between last night when I treated him and this morning he seems to have damaged his beak.

:he :he :he :he

This Roo is going to drive me crazy. I dosed him with some Tylenol and told him he was never getting out of the Summer House ever again.

On the up side Clyde’s breathing is better.
Mr. P, get it together man.
I'm sorry, at least a cracked beak can heal. I swear he is trying to become a special needs chicken that must stay in the house at all times.

I am happy that Clyde is doing better.
I am using my scale and wish I had bought one yrs ago! So much easier!

And I have learnt that Tylosin doesn’t dissolve very well, unless the water is warm that is! So if you need to use it, mix with warm water. And always mix the water with the dry med.

Happy dosing!
Yeah, Tylosin doesn't like cold water very much so we used mostly room temperature water ~ microwave 2 cups in a Pyrex measuring glass just a dimple over room temp & then added tylosin powder & used the same stirrer each day we made the mixture. Vet told us it should be fresh made daily for the 2 birds' waterer.

We used a chick waterer we dug out of our bird supplies to keep it separate for meds. It held 2 cups.
I’m just laying here on the couch in the chickens room. Me and Coco are watching a movie 🍿
“The secret lives of chickens”
After "The Secret Lives of Chickens" you might like this one-hour 25-yr-old documentary on chickens & maybe one or two of your flock might also...The title is deceiving since its not a history but a lot of individual true chicken stories "The Natural History of Chickens."

I've been at grandma's pilfering with the silkie coop in mind.

I moved this in after dark tonight.

I bedded the bottom 2 layers with hay for nest boxes. I'm sure they will love it. I just hope they do not love it enough to go broody in it right now. This afternoon I also brought home a small wooden bench/stool. They can play or roost on it and I can keep it clean to use as my seat when I go in there. I'll put it in tomorrow morning after I dig it out of the car.
I've been at grandma's pilfering with the silkie coop in mind.

I moved this in after dark tonight.
View attachment 4074488
I bedded the bottom 2 layers with hay for nest boxes. I'm sure they will love it. I just hope they do not love it enough to go broody in it right now. This afternoon I also brought home a small wooden bench/stool. They can play or roost on it and I can keep it clean to use as my seat when I go in there. I'll put it in tomorrow morning after I dig it out of the car.
I see it’s kitty approved 😊
Gosh. That seems unlikely to be the case with Pooh. But I could give some vitamins I guess.
Most of the treats I give are things like cheese or fish scraps as well as cabbage.
Our juvenile Buff Leghorn was shipped w/a crooked tail. I notified the breeder who said the condition would straighten ... but it never did. Her sister Buff Leghorn had no issues.

"Danni" w/crooked tail feathers



We re-homed all our White & Buff Leghorns to a neighbor who also took our one Marans hen for her laying flock. I could visit our Leghorns but they are such busy independent hens they really didn't miss me & integrated well into their new flock. Leghorns are a marvelous temperament breed.

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