I saw lice crawling and some dotted feathers, didn't want to stress him too much so I am assuming he has clusters of eggs somewhere.
@Ponypoor will this stuff work?
Has permethrin and pyrethrins
I saw lice crawling and some dotted feathers, didn't want to stress him too much so I am assuming he has clusters of eggs somewhere.
@Ponypoor will this stuff work?
View attachment 4082141
Has permethrin and pyrethrins
I am not familiar with N-Octyl Bicycloheptene Dicarboximide

Maybe someone here is? The stuff I get only has the Permethrin and Pyrethrin.

This is what I used


Here it is at TSC

So sorry to read that you have mites. Treat all wood surfaces too. The little buggers like to hide in between wood floors and perches
I sprayed the whole hen house with the horse spray, I removed all the shavings bedding before hand. Then I bedded down and I sprayed the shavings, I let it air out for about 4 hrs and when they went to roost I made sure to leave all windows and the screen door open. For air flow.

Repeat that I’m 2 weeks time. I actually did it 3 times I was so freaked out!

Now about once a month I spray the roosting ledges and nest boxes. Just in case.
With Tassels spending most of her time sitting in a nest, there is plotting and intrigue going on in the Palace.
This Princess - Calypso - who I might note has not started laying again after her winter break, is planning a Palace coup.
No, Alex, not coop.
View attachment 4082044
She has really started throwing her weight around. Poor Piglet gets the brunt of it. Pooh, who I think is actually below Piglet in the pecking order, is cozying up to Calypso leaving her friend Piglet to be jumped on and pecked.
I feel I must put Tassels in broody jail sooner rather than later so the flock get their benign leader back.
Poor Piglet is roosting on her own and is wandering off to forage on her own during the day.
You need a Roo. I suggest Shirley ♥️😊
That's awful!!! :eek: I've never seen anything like it! And I'm very thankful for that!!! What do you have to do to get rid of those eggs? Pull the feathers out??? I can't imagine.:th
Well you treat the first treatment, then wait 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch and treat again to kill anything that has hatched. Anything that hatches during the two weeks won’t be mature enough to breed when you treat the second time. So everything will be killed.

I was so paranoid I treated a third time!

When they moulted the feathers fell out and grew back in as normal. I would help groom them and pick out feathers that were clogged.

Every so often I will grab one of them and give them a once over, just to make sure I don’t see any.
I saw lice crawling and some dotted feathers, didn't want to stress him too much so I am assuming he has clusters of eggs somewhere.
@Ponypoor will this stuff work?
View attachment 4082141
Has permethrin and pyrethrins
Try to get the spray at skim level, I sprayed it on and them ruffled it through the feathers with my fingers like I was ‘washing hair’ just to mix it into the feathers. Don’t soak them just a light mist.
Well, everybody made it through the night and are thriving! I didn't expect to be able to tell that much of a difference between the tractor supply chicks I had previously, but I absolutely can! These guys are very active and happy, barely sleeping, but eating and drinking perfectly well. I'm extremely happy with Mt. Healthy!
Awesome! I can’t wait to watch them grow up ♥️

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