It loads on my end, not signed in.
Strange , it's just a white page my end.

My phone is trebling my posts. When I switch off then on again, it keeps updating the insecurities, I say insecurities because I feel this phone is far from secure.

And the answer according to the forecast is not for another week. Still going below freezing at night.
It’s calling for freezing rain, rain and snow here starting tomorrow late afternoon. The chooks may get a bit of time outside tomorrow, but o am betting all weekend they will be inside.

Miserable winter followed by a miserable Sprimg.
I had a whole reply typed out explaining my chook situation, and I accidentally deleted it. :he
Yes, there's free ranging involved. 21 of them are still teeny chicks, but they will be free ranged, along with seven(?) of my adult chooks. I also have different large sections of my coop and run blocked off so that different groups have room.

Also, @Ponypoor, not all of them have names... I'd say, 25 don't :oops:
Oooo so you have 25 chooks. No problem! You have room to grow your flock 😉
And here is me to see if I can safely turn on the outside spigot or if there is a freezing risk.
Yep I hear you on that! I have left the water trough de-icer in there. I forgot to turn it on last week and it froze overnight. I will just leave it on for now. Overnight temps are still way below freezing!
Strange , it's just a white page my end.

My phone is trebling my posts. When I switch off then on again, it keeps updating the insecurities, I say insecurities because I feel this phone is far from secure.

View attachment 4083916
Maybe it would feel more secure, if you held it tighter and closer to yourself? :idunno
Sadly I won't be here to stay. I'm planning on making another alternate account and popping in a few times a month. I stayed off of here for too long and am willing to take the risk of popping in to say hi once and a while... I miss you guys too though.

Maybe you did...

I completely agree. I've tried telling Dad that; he doesn't agree.
Hello, Pastel! I haven't seen you on here for so long, it's good to have you back here!

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