fuzzi's Chicken Journal

All of their combs look very similar to me, and I think based on how large the known boys’ combs are that these are all probably pullets.

I hate how uncertain you feel during the first 6-8 weeks. My Dominique “pullet” is looking lighter in color than I expected, but at 2.5 weeks old I can’t feel confident guessing “her” gender yet. It stresses me out!:th
I know exactly what you mean, hence I laughed.
Send her on over. I'm pretty sure I got 5 boys.
You can have Hannah. :lol: She's been witchy for several weeks. She misses having a roo, I think. Then she tried to go broody but I kept breaking her of it. Not a happy hen.


It's hot. I dug a hole in the run, poured some water in it...fascinating. Hannah is on the right, supervising the others as they scratch and peck in the mud.

More supervising...

I also added water to a small rubber tub and placed it in the shade.

It's not too bad in the run; it's covered with shade cloth and there's a small breeze wafting through the open sides of the hoop coop.

Hey! Zacchaeus is out and about, though still avoiding the hens.

Maybe Hannah will take a fancy to Zack once he starts crowing.
Last night I decided to wash my hands of the roosting drama.

Rahab had her brood on the roost. :thumbsup

Martha was broody in a nest box. :rolleyes:

Tamar brought one of her chicks up on the A-frame roost, but the other was in an empty nest box, by himself.

Dear Flock:
I don't care anymore, y'all can do what you want.

Oh, and Zack was roosting on the back of the chair.


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