Any more eggs for sale
I would love to add that gene to my flock for long feathers
I have a small flock of americana chickens I have been playing with for 6 years now
and I have come to a stand still with passing along long feathers to the following roos
with being such a small breeder the selection is very small and my hens the past few years have
not been brooding a double wammy for moving my breeding along
I think this year I need to purchase an incubator and improve my odds for finding the right roo to pass this gene along
or better yet introduce it into the flock and go from there
here is a pic of what I have been able to do so far starting with straight run chickens

I would love to add that gene to my flock for long feathers
I have a small flock of americana chickens I have been playing with for 6 years now
and I have come to a stand still with passing along long feathers to the following roos
with being such a small breeder the selection is very small and my hens the past few years have
not been brooding a double wammy for moving my breeding along
I think this year I need to purchase an incubator and improve my odds for finding the right roo to pass this gene along
or better yet introduce it into the flock and go from there
here is a pic of what I have been able to do so far starting with straight run chickens