genetic hackle eggs on Ebay


Looks like your birds are growing nicely. The one bird will most likely turn out to be either a rusty dun or a dun based ginger. Both are popular with fly tyers. there is a photo of a similar colored bird on my profile page.

The Silver dun that bred the others now has saddles over 15" long

My home bred birds that were supposed to be a crele color didn't turn out so well. I had 5 chicks from the mating but one vanished so I am down to 4 and of those it looks like I have 1 pullet that is mostly black barred with some gold in the breast and neck. I plan to keep the pullet and the best cockerel from these for breeding in spring. So far they look more oriental and have rose combs. I also have some off colored phoenix chicks that will go into my genetic hackle stock project. Plus I will be trading pure phoenix for genetic stock.

That pullet sounds like she is exactly what you want to get if you are going for standard "creel" (barred bbred) then she is obviously not right. I'd keep her safe!
Is this your first generation?

That pullet sounds like she is exactly what you want to get if you are going for standard "creel" (barred bbred) then she is obviously not right. I'd keep her safe!
Is this your first generation?
I had some predator issues with the birds and of course, only the pullet vanished from that group. So I have 4 cockerels left, 2 showing good red color in the hackle, the other two look almost like a silver crele type. I plan to keep the best cockerel and find some BBR/light brown hens to breed him to this fall. I might wind up breeding him to some phoenix hens and maybe leghorns. Plus it all depends on what color of birds I can get from my friend that has the genetic hackle birds.
Hey Hackleguy! Do you still have that article on preserving skins that you spoke about as Bluedunn?
My Brother & I are South Africans just about to start up, breeding flytying birds, we know nothing and need to learn everything! If you would share it please e-mail it to me on [email protected] . Cheers!
Thank you! I followed all these and they were a great help, think I'll manage, now if someone could point me to some info on skinning the birds I would be really grateful! everything I can find relates to skinning for the meat and the skin gets discarded. Any help on where to find the right technique would be much appreciated!
Thank you! I followed all these and they were a great help, think I'll manage, now if someone could point me to some info on skinning the birds I would be really grateful! everything I can find relates to skinning for the meat and the skin gets discarded. Any help on where to find the right technique would be much appreciated!
In my opinion it would be best to find someone local to help you learn to skin. I read online how to do it but it just wasn't the same. I then traded some of my genetics knowledge for taxidermy/skinning lessons which helped tremendously.
Thank you, thats probably the best advice. My only problem is that I dont yet have any genetic knowlege to trade either (besides knowing what I like the feather to do when I tie flies!). We are just setting up to start and dont yet even have our first birds,(nor 100% sure where we are going to get them, though I do know a guy that has some roosters on his farm that have pretty impressive saddle and neck hackle already, I could probably do worse than starting with these, I doubt that anyone in South Africa would sell or even have the right birds with proper bloodlines)). at least that means that it will be a while before I have serious need for skinning!
Thanks again!
Vos coq sont magnifiques , j'ai selectionné des sujets trés proches en croisant du coq limousin avec du phoenix onagadori.
Je travaile actuellement sur trois programes de coq de pêche (genétic hackles):
- croisement plymouth barré avec du limousin
-croisement wyandotte barred avec du phoenix onagadori ( origine allemagne)
-croisement de pardo du leon (espagne) avec du (limousin x phoenix)
J'éleve également toutes les lignées pur et je fait naitre environs 1000 poussins
Je recherche aujourd'hui des échanges entre nos plus belle lignées françaises et vos hackles génétic chickens.
Laurent Val

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