Going to TSC...Uh Oh!!!


9 Years
Mar 12, 2010
Cosby, TN
We are about to head to TSC...please pray that we make wise, well thought out decisions. Who am I kidding, I want them all!

This will be our first batch of baby chicks(we have grown ups), the brooder is made and ready to go

Will post pics when we get back...hope everyone has a fantastic day
Wow you are so brave! I'm not allowed to even drive into the town that are local TSC is in lol I wish you the best of luck and my best advice is to know the absolute maximum number of chicks that you can safely fit in your brooder so that you dont get too many. . . Or just be prepared to by the supplies needed to expand it
We just picked up 6 RIR peeps today!! We converted our master bath garden tub into a brooder, really nice to hear the peeping sound...
hoping to pick up 6 amaricanas too this year.

Also, we are letting our Broody hen sit on 6 eggs, due to hatch the 8th... She is a doing a great job so far with her eggs!

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