Goose with foot puncture, not an emergency

I just got home from town & found my 1 year old African goose, Jessica, with a black locust thorn embedded in her foot. Thankfully it was just through the webbing well clear of the joints & bones. I syringed the puncture with water, totally soaked the wound with a lot of providone iodine. To finish I put a dab of Blu-Kote on the top & bottom of the wound...maybe that last part was overkill.

Any suggestions for her on-going care? Thank you for any help you can offer.

I have some amoxicillin 500mg antibiotic capsules on hand. Should this be used if the foot becomes infected?

I'm not sure if locking her up 24/7 is practical for us...everyone is free range during the day & the geese share a coop with the chickens at night. It's definitely not sanitary in there. Maybe I could build a temporary pen in the yard for the day time but she must be in the coop at night - that's the only secure place & we do have night predators here.

Sorry, I don't have picture of the wound as she was stressed by my handling of her but I do have a picture of that nasty thorn, lol!


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Thank you for the advice Wyorp Rock.

Yes, the wound is affecting the webbing only. She was limping after the thorn removal yesterday but this morning she is walking normally. I'm sure it must hurt her to some degree but she seems OK for now. I will clean the wound with iodine every day for the week & see how she does.
Here is a photo of the puncture...sorry, it is very hard to make out. Between the outside & middle toe, near the juncture of the two. At that lavender colored area at that toe juncture, the puncture is just below & starts where a shadow is's a very thin black stripe, almost exactly vertical. I'm not complaining - it's a good thing it's not more visible!

The wound is looking OK at the moment. She is moving a bit slower today but eating well & socializing with her friends. I brought her a big pile of fresh clover and tender grasses. I will update again tomorrow. Thanks for the help!


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An update on Jessica's foot... I don't see any redness or swelling & she is walking normally so I think she's going to be just fine. Actually, she is currently out preening in the rain puddles with her flock, lol. Thank you for the help Wyorp Rock, it meant a lot to me!
I'm glad to hear Jessica's foot is healing well!

Thank you for the update:)

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