Got 3 new Call Ducks !!!!! ** Pics Added** Help on Color??

When you walked in, they were in the sale cages to the right, not on the same side as April. He had a lot there, maybe 10 for sale, he had them paired up. Were his for sale for 10?

They are super cute though!! I love them, even if they are mixed with another breed
Yep! I bought a pastel drake from him. He had lots of drakes paired up together. I had a pair of his pastels I bought from him last year and a hawk or something killed my pastel drake, so we grabbed another one from him. I know, they are so cute!
I do think my pastel may be mixed though, but no biggie! I just wanted another mate for my lonely hen. I saw one of yours flew away? The one we got from him did too, but we got him back...he was like 2 acres away and finally just gave up and walked up to my husband like, "I give up...pick me up!" lol But that was after a long stand off. I ran and grabbed a net, which we ended up not needing. Good luck getting your girl back!
The 2 that stayed seem very content, they have access t o the yard, but are just nosing around in the straw and taking bathes!

I saw the 3 males that were in the far left cage, they were cute! The female that took off was gray and white, very pretty...i hope she comes back when she hears the others. The yell when they hear me coming...I guess that may be the treats and singing I have been doing for them...LOL.

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