Interesting. I thought for sure it would be daily brushing with a dog like that. That's great that you can bathe her at the pet store!
Her fur is surprisingly maintenence, she's doesn't knot or Matt easily.
Does once a week keep up with the shedding?
Or does she not shed a lot?
It seems to, she kinda goes through shedding phases so if it's a shedding time I brush her more often
Im brushing Denver every other day. And a light brush on Tucker every other day and there is still so much fur
Yeah there is definitely times like that🤣
Here to stalk :pop
Only "grooming" I'm involved in is getting eaten by the cat once or twice a year when he gets clipped :caf
Lmaooooo I know the feeling when I used to have to try to brush Luna. That’s why I ended up eventually just getting her clipped a few times hahah and I knew I was forgetting somebody!!! @SandyRiverChick too!!! I forgot so many people :hit :oops:
What kind of dog?
Great pyrenees

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