- Dec 3, 2023
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Same thing happen to my rooster a few day ago. That’s a hawk attack for sure. The hawk got under my deer netting only because I left a part of it open and was still there trying to get out when my husband got home. I’ve been keeping them in their run or if they are let out they absolutely have to stay under the netting. And im constantly watching the sky’s, if I leave the house they have to go back inside can’t take any risk. Hawks are very smart unfortunately.Once I let them out they won't go back into the coop until they either don't like the weather (snow, storms or heavy rain) or it's night. So if I let them out right when I get home and watch them maybe they'll be good. My mum and a family friend are home tomorrow so they'll be working on scaring the hawk(s) away.
The attacks seem to be happening at dusk though, as the hen I found today hadn't had rigor mortis set in yet, so it would have been before I got home. Yesterday may have been earlier but the top half of her (other than spine, skull and comb) were gone