Hawk attacking flock

Once I let them out they won't go back into the coop until they either don't like the weather (snow, storms or heavy rain) or it's night. So if I let them out right when I get home and watch them maybe they'll be good. My mum and a family friend are home tomorrow so they'll be working on scaring the hawk(s) away.

The attacks seem to be happening at dusk though, as the hen I found today hadn't had rigor mortis set in yet, so it would have been before I got home. Yesterday may have been earlier but the top half of her (other than spine, skull and comb) were gone
Same thing happen to my rooster a few day ago. That’s a hawk attack for sure. The hawk got under my deer netting only because I left a part of it open and was still there trying to get out when my husband got home. I’ve been keeping them in their run or if they are let out they absolutely have to stay under the netting. And im constantly watching the sky’s, if I leave the house they have to go back inside can’t take any risk. Hawks are very smart unfortunately.
Same thing happen to my rooster a few day ago. That’s a hawk attack for sure. The hawk got under my deer netting only because I left a part of it open and was still there trying to get out when my husband got home. I’ve been keeping them in their run or if they are let out they absolutely have to stay under the netting. And im constantly watching the sky’s, if I leave the house they have to go back inside can’t take any risk. Hawks are very smart unfortunately.
Yeah, I've seen the hawk since. I've luckily only lost 2. My one girl has been attacked three times, but hadn't been hurt. The first time was the first attack and all the while leghorns (the Karens/HOA, as I call them) got their tails messed up. The one that was attacked three times was stopped once by me because I was right there then I guess the roosters helped her the last time. The one rooster almost got attacked but my brother screamed and it changed the direction it was flying, but the rooster was waiting to fight it because the hawk was on the fence post. We've got netting that will be put up ASAP. Until then, they're locked up in the coop
Unfortunately I'd keep the chickens locked up until you get some deer netting put up, they will be back every single day if there is still access to more chickens. We have tons of hawks on our property and our run is completely covered in deer netting, I see hawks pull birds out of trees in my yard so I didn't have my birds in the run till I completely covered it. While I'm home I let them out of the run and into our chain fence backyard to free range in the grass for a couple hours each day, but only when I'm out there with them because of the hawks.

Luckily we do have a flock of crows that chase off hawks and that's usually when I know one is around because the crows start yelling and drive it out of a tree where it was prob watching my chickens from... 😅 Those crows are my friends and I hope they never leave!
I have what I think is a Sharp Shinned hawk that has been attacking my flock for the past month. I haven't had any hawk problems for 2-1/2 to 3 years and only see Red-tailed hawks. Now that this bird has found my flock it has just killed its SIXTH hen tonight; 4 Silkies, 1 bantam Sebright and tonight a full sized black, Easter Egger. I also interrupted an attack on Christmas Eve on one of my Wyandottes. I thought she was gone but has miraculously pulled through with skin missing from the top of her head to the base of her neck. This last kill has us so puzzled as to how the thing gets into my yard. Since the attacks began, we have fenced the flock in and covered with chicken wire and birds netting. I see a gap that wasn't there and only a few spots that would need to be looked for to get in. This thing is a Ninja! Cameras installed next!
Chickens need covered runs to prevent attacks. Keep them locked up until the predator has moved on. A predators persistence will determine how long lockdown should last.Never turn your chickens out if you have a predator stalking or hunting them.
We put some hawk netting up after having them locked up and only let out with me sitting in the pen with them. We haven't had any troubles since a few days after Halloween but only ever lost two hens. The one just got attacked twice but she's happy and healthy again now!

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