Hen Raspy breathing


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2024
I have a 7 month old hen, I picked her up and you can hear her breathing it almost like raspy, she is not sneezing or gaping for air. And she is eating, drinking healthy look no feather loss or anything, her crop feels normal it empties out, her poop is normal.What could it be I don't want to miss treat her from something she doesn't have. Any advice would help.
I have a 7 month old hen, I picked her up and you can hear her breathing it almost like raspy, she is not sneezing or gaping for air. And she is eating, drinking healthy look no feather loss or anything, her crop feels normal it empties out, her poop is normal.What could it be I don't want to miss treat her from something she doesn't have. Any advice would help.
Do you hear raspy breathing when she's not being held?

A video of what she sounds like standing alone and when held may be helpful.

Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

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