Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Zookeeper, hope your little girl recovers quickly. I am so sorry that she got hurt. Yet I also understand your relief that none of the other children were hurt.
Summer vacation is no fun, when you're all bandaged up.
If you lived near me, that would be the perfect incentive to cook something special and share it with you.
It's cooled off some, but I think I stayed outside too long, working on picking herbs and cleaning garlic that we harvested earlier this week. I feel drained. Now I'm drinking a glass of wine, hoping it will put me in a cooking mood.

So far we are still at: last night's chocolate pudding pie and a green salad. Heck the dog's dinner is better than that. She is getting stewed chicken, I made for her, over her kibbled food.
Desert for dinner is good, but not every night!!
Thanks Denise, my little girl is 25 years old and has a 4 year old daughter (Hazel Rayne) and a 2 year old son (Arcamedies Thomas) so as bad as she is hurt I have been having to go and watch the kids for her. Her husband works long hours in the summer so he can't help much.

I hope she is better tomorrow because it is hard work chasing those kids LOL She lives in the city and those roads in town scare me.

Try to enjoy your dinner, and my Motto. Always eat your desert first that way if you die before dinner is done then you didn't miss the desert LOL.
Zookeeper, my little girl is 28. She has no kids. Yet.
She may not be little any more, but I am sure she is still your "little girl".

I occasionally (rarely) babysit for a surrogate grandchild. I understand that looking after those youngsters, can be a "handfull". I more frequently spend time with my friend, who is the actual grandparent and I do see and then remember how much work those youngsters are. It's nice when they visit, but it is also nice when they leave and you can have your peace and quiet once again.
I hope your DD gets better quick!!
I hear you Denise, my oldest daughter is going to be 28 in Sept, then this one was 25 last Feb and my youngest daughter is going to be 22 in Aug and my son just turned 17 last April.

They are all my babies. Too bad they don't understand it, they handle it well though.

She called tonight that she will be ok tomorrow without me. I am going to stick by the phone just in case. I got lots of sewing to catch up on anyway.

Dinner tonight was crackers and cheese, followed by a Tuscan Sunset, those are those new drinks that are at Olive Gardens they are just toooooooooooooooo good. I hope that they will help me sleep tonight as I am just stressed from the last 5 days.

Thanks for your support it means a lot.
Last night we had Sage Pork Chops, green beans, garlic mashed potatoes and chocolate chip cookies.

Tonight, I'm making an easy meal. Since we aren't eating until 7:00, it's 8:00 to 8:30 before I get the kitchen cleaned up. So, it's soup from the freezer - Beef Vegetable and cornbread. I baked a chocolate cake for dessert.

I sure wish the garden would hurry up. We've only had lettuce and onions.

Well.. it's been awhile, but I wanted to poke my head in and say, "Hello! I miss you... " ..and, "What ya got cookin'?"

I have some Machaca going on the stove.. a spicy beef dish that is eaten with tortillas in any way you choose. I made some rice, of course ..and I have a pot of Peruan beans going also. I was curious while picking up produce and stuff, at the local latino market yesterday ..so I got a medium sized Yucca root (also called Cassava) ..and I cooked that to go with our meal. It's much like a potato ..in taste and as a side dish, etc.

I peeled it, cut into chunks, boiled in salted water until tender. On the side, I heated a good bit of olive oil and sauteed minced onion and garlic, with some pinched cilantro. I will add some fresh lemon juice to that when I'm ready to serve the Yucca ..and pour it over top, as a sauce.

I'm still debating on fresh homemade tortillas ..or sending hubby to the store
..and I'll probably make a simple green salad ..and serve chilled honeydew melon, pineapple, kiwi, etc. ..for dessert!

I hope you are all enjoying the Summer, so far ..and it hasn't been too hot where you are. It's been very mild here.. with just a very few really hot days...... and I hope I didn't just "jinx" that. LOL

Take care, everyone! Enjoy the fruits of summer! And be adventurous.. try something new! The internet is your guide..
Zoo - Wow! I missed the initial post about your DD. How awful, but I'm so happy to hear that the kids were OK. I sure hope that she's on the road to recovery now.

Is a Tuscan Sunset something you make or something you buy? What's in it?

FarmerDenise - I'm happy for you that it has cooled down a bit and hope that continues. Being hot and working in the yard is never fun. Glad the wine helped.

prairiegirl - Sage pork chops sounds yummy! Care to share the recipe????

Aneesa's Muse - It's so nice to have you back with us in the kitchen! You were missed! Your dinner sounds delicious! I really enjoy many of the central and south American foods. Having had friends from some of those areas, I've been blessed to have been introduced to things like Peruvian food, Nicaraguan food, etc. There are some odd combinations, but they really work nicely. One of my favorites is a Peruvian dish called Saltados, choice of meat sauteed with red onions, french fries, tomatoes, cilantro, green onions, and soy sauce. I know it sounds odd, but it tastes great. What did you decide about the tortillas? I love homemade, but it is some work. One of my friends has tried to teach me how to make them, but mine never come out nice and round like hers do. In fact, mine look pretty bad!
I can make a nice round pie crust so I have no idea why I just get this wrong. Costco has some uncooked ones that are wonderful. Just peel them off and toss 'em on a hot pan to cook.

With family in from out of town right now, we've been eating with them when they're not out sightseeing.
Monday - Rainforest Cafe at Downtown Disney
Tuesday - Lasagna, salad, garlic bread
Wednesday - Breakfast for dinner (no, I didn't serve that to them!)
Tonight - We're having them over here today for appetizers (variety of hummus with pita chips, bowl of cherries), grilled rib eye steaks and BBQ ribs, seasoned rice, baby greens with mandarin oranges and candied almonds, strawberries with fluffy dip (for lack of a better word - combination of cream cheese and marshmallow cream), and another dessert to be picked up today, probably mud pie or some other frozen concoction that only needs to be cut and served. Choice of beer and wine for the adults, milk for the kids.
Sounds like you've been eatin' real good!

I've put a twist on B4D..
... Dinner 4 Breakfast! The Machaca is most excellent with some scrambled eggs, a little cheese ...and a warm tortilla to wrap it all snuggle'y

Tonight, I think I'll do some spicy wings ..probably corn ..a salad ..some fruit, again.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend ..and Be Safe!!!

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