Hi! Is it okay if I add these three things to my chickens water?ACV, Honey, and Garlic powder!

Honey is a natural sugar with some antibacterial properties, yet it can also harbor dangerous pathogens like Clostridium botulinum spores, which is why it's often avoided for infants and parrot diets. While I don’t personally base my decisions on this, a research project I completed a few years ago revealed an astonishing variety of bacteria within, including strains that raised some concerns.

That said, compared to the microbial horrors lurking in chicken droppings, spoiled food, or general environmental exposure, honey might be a lesser risk—so maybe we’re just being a bit paranoid.

Coming from a bird nerd- fresh clean water.
Ok, thanks for the awesome 😎 information!!
I've just heard that there good for your chickens!
if you want to offer your birds foods or drinks that you think might be good for them, just offer them as they are, separately, don't add them to their water where they can't avoid them.

Then you will also have a better idea if they are eating them by choice or not.

Do not make snap judgements about novel foods. The bravest of your flock may sample it while everyone else just looks on. The bravest of your flock may resample it the next day or two. Then maybe another one will try it. Ultimately, some may like it and some not - their tastes and needs vary, just like people's do. If they all refuse it repeatedly and have other options (so don't need to eat it or starve), then you know they don't like it. Here and now. That may change with the seasons. If you are just offering a little stuff you have to hand anyway, there's nothing to lose.

If you don't offer novel foods, you and they will miss out on the chance to increase the diversity and variety in their diet and thereby improve the odds that they get all of the nutrients they need, the known and the currently unknown. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The sense of taste exists to guide animals what to eat and how much of it to eat. It has worked well for chickens for millions of years.

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