Hopeful Hatch Grow-along

Is this normal? I just moved some chicks to the brooder and this chick started to hatch. She is coming out from the middle. Is that bad?
Is this normal? I just moved some chicks to the brooder and this chick started to hatch. She is coming out from the middle. Is that bad? View attachment 4062009
Has your chick been sitting in the same position with the hole like that for several hours? If it is trying to get out and pecking at the same place, I tend to help, especially if it has been 24 hours since they first pipped.

@tviss711 I lost this thread somehow and just caught up! The babies are absolutely adorable 🥰
Has your chick been sitting in the same position with the hole like that for several hours? If it is trying to get out and pecking at the same place, I tend to help, especially if it has been 24 hours since they first pipped.

@tviss711 I lost this thread somehow and just caught up! The babies are absolutely adorable 🥰
She just broke that part of the shell
If she’s been like that for several hours she might need a little assistance! She should be okay for a while though. If she’s chirping she’s breathing so she will be okay! Any updates??
I got 4 more chicks and ended up with 5 (my friend had an extra naked neck baby… and she was so ugly I had to take her 🥹)

Today I got:
1 blue australorp
1 partridge rock
1 Easter egger
1 Ancona
1 turken

I love them! We are weaning the month olds off of heat in the garage for another week or so while they feather out, then we will move them into a separate coop and run with our older girls so everyone can get used to seeing each other for a few weeks before we transition them to being all together!

While waiting in line (I drove 45 minutes to a local feed store, got there an hour before opening, and was still #14 in line- this year is crazy high demand!!) I found a good home for one of the cockerels. They didn’t realize the store we were waiting for only had pullets and no straight runs and were hoping to end up with a rooster, so I offered her one of mine and her and her kids were so excited. I showed them pictures and they loved them- the kids have decided they want to call their future rooster “Big Boss Man”, so I think whoever ends up there will be held in good esteem and have a loving home! The chicks are too old to be kept with the ones they got today, so I will raise him up for them until their pullets are old enough to be integrated with him. It will be good for him to be taught manners by my older hens anyway before sending him off! Now to find loving homes for my other two boys! ❤️ otherwise I will just keep them separate. But, I think they will enjoy more out of life if they have some hens to look out for.

Here are my new pullets! Since I only got two from hatching 🤪

My ugly little turken, who is very chill and slept in my hands without crying the whole way home.

My Easter egger who has super fluffy cheeks

My blue australorp

My partridge rock who so far has been very dramatic but is beautifully colored

And my Ancona!!! I’m excited about her. She is very relaxed and laid back so far. @horselover1999 I will have to update her grow along and you can tell me what you think! I didn’t know what to expect for their chick down but I was surprised how much yellow they all had. She’s adorable!
I got 4 more chicks and ended up with 5 (my friend had an extra naked neck baby… and she was so ugly I had to take her 🥹)

Today I got:
1 blue australorp
1 partridge rock
1 Easter egger
1 Ancona
1 turken

I love them! We are weaning the month olds off of heat in the garage for another week or so while they feather out, then we will move them into a separate coop and run with our older girls so everyone can get used to seeing each other for a few weeks before we transition them to being all together!

While waiting in line (I drove 45 minutes to a local feed store, got there an hour before opening, and was still #14 in line- this year is crazy high demand!!) I found a good home for one of the cockerels. They didn’t realize the store we were waiting for only had pullets and no straight runs and were hoping to end up with a rooster, so I offered her one of mine and her and her kids were so excited. I showed them pictures and they loved them- the kids have decided they want to call their future rooster “Big Boss Man”, so I think whoever ends up there will be held in good esteem and have a loving home! The chicks are too old to be kept with the ones they got today, so I will raise him up for them until their pullets are old enough to be integrated with him. It will be good for him to be taught manners by my older hens anyway before sending him off! Now to find loving homes for my other two boys! ❤️ otherwise I will just keep them separate. But, I think they will enjoy more out of life if they have some hens to look out for.

Here are my new pullets! Since I only got two from hatching 🤪

My ugly little turken, who is very chill and slept in my hands without crying the whole way home.
View attachment 4062261
My Easter egger who has super fluffy cheeks
View attachment 4062256
My blue australorp
View attachment 4062257
My partridge rock who so far has been very dramatic but is beautifully colored
View attachment 4062259
And my Ancona!!! I’m excited about her. She is very relaxed and laid back so far. @horselover1999 I will have to update her grow along and you can tell me what you think! I didn’t know what to expect for their chick down but I was surprised how much yellow they all had. She’s adorable!
View attachment 4062260
Have you got any name ideas for the little cuties yet?

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