Hopeful Hatch Grow-along

Monitor her closely, it sounds like she needs help. I would probably be helping her right now if it was my chick.
I just looked this morning and she’s broken a bit more of the shell. Her beak is larger than my other bantams. My bantams also a have few standard size chickens living with them too. She might be a bantam x standard?
My little blue girl survived the night but is smaller than everyone else, not eating and drinking and “chirping” a lot with little to no sound coming out. I made a slurry of egg yolk very weak green tea and probiotics and gave her a little of that with a syringe, just dropping tiny drops onto her beak and hoping she swallowed it. I think functionally she’s not figured out how to eat so I don’t know what to do. She bubbled a little so I think she just let some run down her throat, and I’m really hoping it didn’t get in her lungs. I’m not super hopeful but I wanted to give her some help and found that that solution had helped other baby chicks that weren’t thriving. I didn’t stick the syringe in her mouth, just let drop one at a time collect on the front of her beak, and she did the rest. I hope it gave her at least some hydration and nutrition. Poor thing. I hope I didn’t do more harm than good. But she wasn’t eating or drinking a thing.
I just looked this morning and she’s broken a bit more of the shell. Her beak is larger than my other bantams. My bantams also a have few standard size chickens living with them too. She might be a bantam x standard? View attachment 4062564
Is she in the process of zipping? (If so, she would be out right now.) If she isn’t out right now and still looks like this - help her! You may be able to save her life. She won’t last too much longer like that. 🙏 Hope she makes it!!
My little blue girl survived the night but is smaller than everyone else, not eating and drinking and “chirping” a lot with little to no sound coming out. I made a slurry of egg yolk very weak green tea and probiotics and gave her a little of that with a syringe, just dropping tiny drops onto her beak and hoping she swallowed it. I think functionally she’s not figured out how to eat so I don’t know what to do. She bubbled a little so I think she just let some run down her throat, and I’m really hoping it didn’t get in her lungs. I’m not super hopeful but I wanted to give her some help and found that that solution had helped other baby chicks that weren’t thriving. I didn’t stick the syringe in her mouth, just let drop one at a time collect on the front of her beak, and she did the rest. I hope it gave her at least some hydration and nutrition. Poor thing. I hope I didn’t do more harm than good. But she wasn’t eating or drinking a thing.
That is the best way to syringe feed them. Just put a drop at the tip of their beak and let them swallow. You’re doing everything you can for her. You can continue to offer that to her every 30 mins or so. If it’s a matter of just needing some extra electrolytes then it should help her! If there is something else going on though, then she may continue to decline 😥 I hope that she just needs some extra energy to perk up.
I broke a part of the egg. Did I do it right? I followed a tutorial on youtube. View attachment 4062708
If I were you, I would carefully help her all the way out of the shell. She is likely very exhausted at this point and may not have the energy to get herself out, my guess is that she was a bit malpositioned and unable to get the leverage needed to kick herself free. Since she has been stuck in a partially hatched shell for over a day now, I would slowly remove parts of the shell with tweezers starting near the air cell/areas she has already broken out of. She is probably plumb tuckered out and just needs help breaking free so she can start fluffing up, eating and drinking. Best of luck to you!
That is the best way to syringe feed them. Just put a drop at the tip of their beak and let them swallow. You’re doing everything you can for her. You can continue to offer that to her every 30 mins or so. If it’s a matter of just needing some extra electrolytes then it should help her! If there is something else going on though, then she may continue to decline 😥 I hope that she just needs some extra energy to perk up.
She has a mix of silent peeps and loud ones. I did see her stretch her back legs, and she is scratching at her nose which isn’t something I’ve seen her do prior, just waddle around slowly following her siblings and teetering around. I will try another mixture when I get back from taking my horses to the farrier. I’m just so frightened that she may aspirate it, even with careful administration. She just sits in my hand silently peeping. We will see, I’ll continue to do what I can for her. ❤️ I made a really watery mixture with some green tea and electrolytes mixed with their food on a plate I’m hoping she will attempt to peck at that while I’m gone.

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