How can I tell a hawk in the sky?

The bird in my avatar would sit on the fence under the eve’s of the house and wait. It was killing a couple of birds a day. So brazen. The garage door opening wouldn’t even spook it. It’s favorite place to eat it’s snacks was on the edge of my garden box...directly in front of my run door! He left blood stains all over my yard. He wanted chicken!! Really wanted chicken :mad:
The bird in my avatar would sit on the fence under the eve’s of the house and wait. It was killing a couple of birds a day. So brazen. The garage door opening wouldn’t even spook it. It’s favorite place to eat it’s snacks was on the edge of my garden box...directly in front of my run door! He left blood stains all over my yard. He wanted chicken!! Really wanted chicken :mad:
Yikes ... I wonder if those wire spikey things (technical term ;) that deter pigeons roosting where they aren’t wanted would help?
The bird in my avatar would sit on the fence under the eve’s of the house and wait. It was killing a couple of birds a day. So brazen. The garage door opening wouldn’t even spook it. It’s favorite place to eat it’s snacks was on the edge of my garden box...directly in front of my run door! He left blood stains all over my yard. He wanted chicken!! Really wanted chicken :mad:

Wow. What is it ? ~ because whatever it is we won't have it round here!
Yikes ... I wonder if those wire spikey things (technical term ;) that deter pigeons roosting where they aren’t wanted would help?
Umm..don’t think so (but I know what you mean) he’d just perch wherever he pleases. The spot he had was out of the wind and warmed by the sunrise...and it was perfect for cover to surprise it’s prey...thankfully he moved on with his migration.
It’s a hawk but not one like I’ve seen in West Virginia, most common where I am are Redtail Hawks I think.
We have red tails too. I had to look it up best I could tell it was a falcon (forget the name now) they are a migrating species. Interesting differences between hawks and falcons. Either way...I hate em all!!!
We mainly have sparrow hawk's and owls where I am. I've never seen them circle nor perch anywhere, from what I've seen over the years the hawk's here hide and rarely spotted until the actual attack because they hide so well. So far from what I have seen here, they prefer to attack on mid air, snatching their prey then flying it off to where ever it is going to kill and eat it. I've seen hawk's grab blackbirds/ starlings etc in mid air and years ago one got my mother's cockateil which flew out of an opened door of her house (one of her grandkids had opened the door without her realising) it was so fast we barely had time to know what was happening no one even knew it was there, literally happened in seconds, mums birdhad barely got out the door when the hawk struck. So far we've had no problems and as mean as this sounds we have a lot of wild pigeons, blackbirds,starlings, magpies etc around us and given that sparrow hawks prefer aerial attacks tend to stick to attacking them. As for the owls they'd go for anything so I sit out with my birds every morning until I'm certain they've gone to nest for the night and my birds are locked away at night for protection.
It is always a worry though, especially the sparrow hawk's because they hide.
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