How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Of course whoever built the coop put it on the edge of the property, between our driveway and a road. So instead of having them tucked out of the way, they hop the fence and wander through the trees next to the road (ours until you get to whatever the city deems is their road I guess) or run across the driveway anytime you're nearby.
That sounds a lot like our property. 15 acres, highway on the south edge, 3 neighbors with tiny yards line the west, pasture to the north and a hay field between our land and the next neighbor on the east, but our house is in the corner less than 50 feet from the highway and only 20 feet from the neighbor's yard :hmm.

We're up to 5 layers now:D and have been getting between 2 and 5 eggs per day. 4 today. I love the variety in the brown shades alone and can't wait for my EE's to join the party. It makes me happy seeing all the different egg pictures you guys post here!
7 eggs today! No soft shell eggs, I'm hoping that's over! I checked to see where the girls are roosting if I get another one I'll have a better idea of who laid it.
45 eggs today! @BigBlueHen53 too bad you're not closer to me! Haha! I've got eggs piling up!
Lol, yeah, bummer! We actually (choke!) BOUGHT a dozen eggs the other day! 😖 My GirlChild said they had to be brown, please, but when she ate some for breakfast she said yeah, they were still not as good as home grown. I told her that's because they didn't have the green from the grass or the brown from the bugs and she said yeah. Lol.

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