How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

You always have lots of yummy eggs. šŸ˜ How big is your flock if you donā€™t mind my asking? I have 10 pullets laying, 2 Roos , and 6 two month old pullets and let me tell you my hands are full lol.
I have over 100 šŸ˜¬ Most of them have either done laying for the season, or are molting. But I can't complain, I'm still getting more than enough eggs.
And oh boy.... they are definitely a handful! šŸ˜†
All of our girlies are finally coming into laying. two days ago we got our highest count yet. 7 in one morning. We've got 14 ladies all the same age but different breeds... RIRs, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Olive Eggers, Americaunas, and our bantam Old English and Silver Phoenix girls aren't far behind them. It's so much fun finding them because not everybody makes it to the communal nest before dropping butt nuggets. I've found them in the garden, their coop floor, next to the dog pen (we joked that his barking scared the egg out of her), and even on top of a fresh cut tree stump. :)
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2 of the 3 pullets have laid. Yesterdayā€™s egg was very large for a first egg!

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